Assessment of Haplotype Variation in Bovine AMPD1 Gene for Association with Growth and Carcass Trait

来源 :2011中国肉牛选育改良与产业发展国际研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:akgmtgdt
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  The AMPD1 gene plays an important role in the purine nucleotide cycle and energy metabolism in skeletal muscle.In the present study, polymorphism of the AMPD1 gene was detected by PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing methods in 215 individuals from Qinchuan beef cattle breed.The result of DNA sequence showed two mutations by comparisons with NC_007301.The g.19416T>C and g.19421A>G mutation were detected in intron 11 ofbovine AMPD1 gene.The sequencing results of difference genotypes showed that four kinds of haplotypes, named: A (T-A), B (T-G), C (C-A) and D (C-G); and the five diplotypes were conflated and described as: AA (T-A/T-A), BC (T-G/C-A or C-G/r-A), AC (T-A/C-A), CC (C-A/C-A) and CD (C-A/C-G).Individuals with diplotype BC was significantly associated with carcass weight (P<0.05, n=56).Animals with the new heterozygote genotype had greater carcass weight than those with the other diplotypes.They may be used as a possible candidate for marker-assisted selection in Qinchuan beef cattle breeding program.
畜产品生产企业建立质量追溯系统已经提上日程,牛肉作为价值较高的肉食品,近年来消费量不断增加,其安全可追溯性的也越来越受到重视.本文对国内近年来牛肉质量追溯系统项目案例进行了总结,对技术特点进行了详细分析,并从信息化、自动化、政府及消费者四个方面对我国牛肉质量追溯系统应用的影响进行了分析, 牛肉企业业务模式,产业结构,管理水平不同,使追溯系统的复杂程度也不相同,企业应依据自身管理特点和信息化基础,从
目的:适应中国牛肉外贸和出口需要,并为国内牛肉安全消费提供保障.方法:利用Visual Basic6.0面向对象编程技术和SQL Server 2000大型关系数据库技术,采用耳标与分割肉号码及对应的EAN/UCC条码技术等动物标识方法,构建牛肉安全生产加工全过程质量跟踪与追溯系统,系统包括信息查询、信息采集、系统设置、帮助和退出等5个主要功能模块.结果:研发了一套适合中国牛肉安全生产的质量跟踪与
目的:为了让消费者购买牛肉后可以追溯到牛肉生产的全过程,实现牛肉可追溯系统的智能、快捷、实用的目标,方法:本研究引入"RFID+条码"技术,对肉牛及生产的牛肉进行标识,跟踪牛肉全过程.并设计开发了网络化牛肉可追溯系统,系统采用JSP设计面向对象的动态网页,采用My SQL设计数据库,运用B/S(浏览器/服务器)体系结构,结果与结论:将管理系统放在互联网上,实现了牛肉可追溯系统的网络化管理,使牛肉可
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