
来源 :第12届生物毒素研究及医药应用学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:binics
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  目的:芋螺毒素因其种类繁多,结构新颖,选择性强,疗效确切,并在镇痛、成瘾、麻醉等方面具有极好的应用前景.本实验室发现了结构新颖的αO-芋螺毒素GeXIVA,是迄今α9α10乙酰胆碱受体(nAChRs)的活性最强的选择性阻断剂.GeXIVA还是第一个电压依赖性的α9α10nAChRs强阻断剂,其半阻断剂量(IC50)在普通ND96缓冲环境中仅为4.6 nM,在Ba2+-ND96环境中为3.8 nM.GeXIVA在神经痛模型上具有很强的镇痛活性,并可肌肉注射发挥药效,且不成瘾.
The structural similarity between the defensins and scorpion neurotoxins suggests might evolve from a common ancestor.However, there is no direct experimental evidence demonstrating functional linkage
As an alternative class of antimicrobial agent to overcome the drug resistant infections,antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have gained significant attention.Here, we designed and got an improved antimicro
It remains unclear why scorpions are immune to own venoms containing various neurotoxins specific for the mammalian or insect ion channels.The functional characterization of scorpion ion channels can
The human β-defensin 2 (hBD2), as a Kv1.3 channel inhibitor with the unique molecular mechanism and novel immune modulatory function, suggests that human β-defensins are a kind of novel channel ligand
腹孔环胺藻(Azadinium poporum)是氮杂螺环酸(azaspiracid, AZA)毒素的来源藻种之一,在我国近海具有广泛分布.本研究以分离自我国南海的两株腹孔环胺藻(AZDY06和AZFC22)为研究对象,比较了其在不同氮磷营养盐浓度、不同类型氮源(尿素和硝酸钠)和不同培养基(f/2-Si、L1-Si和K-Si)等批次培养条件下的生长与产毒的情况.不同氮磷营养盐浓度的单因子实验是以常
Nematocysts are typical organelles of cnidarian, discharge following proper chemical or mechanical stimulation with the tubules evert, releasing venom for prey and defence.There are many factors thata
目的:探究α-芋螺毒素TxIB对吗啡诱导的小鼠条件性位置偏爱(CPP)的影响,为进一步设计、筛选抗吗啡依赖的芋螺毒素及其类似物提供理论和实验依据。方法:建立小鼠吗啡依赖CPP模型,可分为预处理、训练和测试三个阶段。预处理阶段:将小鼠放置在中间箱,任其自由穿梭,记录15 min内其在各箱停留的时间,淘汰在黑箱时间百分比低于50%的小鼠,以小鼠非偏爱的白箱作为伴药箱进行试验。将符合试验条件的C57小鼠
The cone snails (Conus) belong to the mollusca,gastropodaand family conidae.There are about 700~1000 species in the world,which are distributed in tropical marine areasmainly.