Classification of Chemical Characteristics for Metal Objects Excavated from Neungsalli, Buyeo

来源 :东亚文化遗产保护学会第二次学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:johnlu2828
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  This study presents the analysis results of chemical composition of metal objects which excavated from Buyeo Neunsalli site.A total of 85 metal objects was selected for this study, most of them were ornaments and there also included large fragments of aureole.In this work, non-destructive analytical technique used by μ-XRF.As a result, metal objects on Neunsalli site have divided into 5 groups : copper alloy, gilt-bronze, gold, silver, gilt-silver and iron.The objects composed of Copper alloy have subdivided pure copper, bronze and brass, especially bronze objects had into two component system (Cu-Sn) and three component system (Cu-Sn-Pb).85 Metal objects of Neunsalli site were diviede according to its materials: copper alloy 28 (pure copper 22, bronze 3, brass 3), gilt-bronze 39, gold 1, silver 4, gilt-silver 1, iron 1 in Neunsalli temple site and Bronze 6, gilt-bronze 2, silver 3 in Neunsalli tomb.
对于CROSSOVER这样一个概念,不同人由于不同的年龄、生活背景理解也不一样,就笔者而言,第一次知道这个概念是来自扬名世界的Sarah Brightman,她破天荒地将流行音乐与古典音乐结合起来,创造了无数成功的经典单曲,当然对于国人而言,真正知道这位“跨界天后”还是在奥运会的开幕式上,《YOU AND ME》的演唱。之后CROSSOVER便成了一个普罗大众的概念。尤其对于时尚界而言,它的频繁程
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目的 制备梅归参鼻用温敏型原位凝胶并进行制剂学评价.方法 在梅归参提取物的基础上加入温敏凝胶基质制成鼻用温敏型原位凝胶.采用HPLC法测定原位凝胶中盐酸小檗碱的含量,采
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