Discussion the Several Most Important Problems in the Higher Vocational Education of China

来源 :2011年信息技术、服务科学与工程管理国际学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hheeuuuu
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  At the present time, the higher vocational education in China will be of the highest importance all the time no matter now or in the future.However, the problems, which are in existence in the higher vocational education of China, look very apparent At the present time, these problems are mainly embodied in the aspects such as the unclear orientation, the insufficient number of the teachers, the low teaching qualities, the out-of-date teaching models as well as the insufficient practical training places of Chinese higher vocational education.Whats worse, all of these problems have placed a great number of the obstacles to hinder the development of Chinese higher vocational education.For this reason, it is necessary for Chinese people to take these problems into the serious consideration and subsequently resolve all of them properly.
思想品德课任务重大,不仅要教给学生课本上的基本知识,最重要的是使学生学会做人、学会做事、学会合作、学会学习,全面提高认识社会、适应社会、分析问题、解决问题的能力。思想政治课如何激发学生学习兴趣、使教学内容与学生生活实际结合达到教学目的,为此浅谈几点体会。  一、加强学习,自觉提高自身素质  实施素质教育,首先要提高老师的自身素质,不仅专业知识要扎实、业务能力要提高,老师的言行修养、道德觉悟也要提高
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