Establishment and application of quality traceability system of traditional Chinese medicine based o

来源 :第一届《药学学报》药学前沿论坛暨2015年中国药学会中药与天然药物专业委员会会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nishiwangba
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  The industrial chain of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)is a complicated process including multiple links.Its very difficult to ensure the quality to be safe,effective,stable and controllable in each link of the whole process,especially in production and circulation of Chinese materia medica.Unfortunately almost all current traceability technologies can only carry production or circulation information without quality data.The success of conversion from chemical fingerprint to two-dimensional barcode has created an opportunity to develop a quality traceability system of TCM.However how to use this technology in circulation and consumed terminal still remains elusive.Thus,this study aims to propose a new solution in order to provide a convenient way to restore the initial chemical fingerprint of TCM.Three herbal medicines were randomly selected and their chemical fingerprints were constructed and converted into 2D barcodes.The smartphone tier application will host the QR codes scanning on Android platforms that provide primary functions including restoring the initial chemical fingerprint of TCM and investigating the differences between different batches of TCM chemical fingerprints.It was demonstrated that the APP can restore the initial scanning results into corresponding batches of TCM chemical fingerprints.There were no significant differences between original and scanned TCM chemical fingerprints.Meanwhile,multiple TCM chemical fingerprint QR codes can be displayed in the same coordinate using this APP and their differences can be shown directly and intuitively.A procedure of quality traceability was also established using smartphone technology.This study demonstrated that smartphone can restore chemical fingerprint of TCM by scanning the QR codes,and maintain consistency with the initial chemical fingerprints.It proved that chemical fingerprint of TCM can be easily generated into QR codes.And the QR codes can also restore the original chemical fingerprints.This research provides consumers an easy and rapid way to trace the quality of traditional Chinese medicine.
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病例介绍中年男性,48岁,大学文化,总经理病史2年.因心绞痛看病,发现前降支闭塞,拟行支架植入术未成功,行CABG治疗,一年后桥血管闭塞,再次拟行PCI治疗,未成功,目前有劳力型心绞痛.既往史:高血压病史10余年,血压控制正常,血糖正常,戒烟,戒酒.超声心动图:左室内径正常,LVEF 58 %,左室前壁室间隔下段和心尖部运动减弱
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