Characteristics of Ion Release from Building Materials during Rainwater Harvesting

来源 :2012水资源与城市化发展大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsdemon8911
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  In the past two decade,the Chinese government has paid a huge effort to solve the problem of drinking water in remote rural.As an alterative success case,rainwater harvesting and utility has been the most efficient way to supplying fresh water in rural areas of the Loess Plateau,a typical water resources serious shortage area in China.Focused on improving the quality of the rural village cistern water,study about the characteristics of ion release from building materials during runoff process with five representative materials used for rainwater collection:concrete,red brick,grey tile,red tile and soil was conducted.The ion releasing process and following effect on cistern water quality index,such as hardness,pH,conductivity,has been analyzed.Results revealed that the most release strength of different materials was arriving at 30s following startup.Furthermore,the test of effects of rain acidity on ion release procession showed that the total ion release increased with storm water pH declining,however,the release strength was irrelevance with runoff's pH.Based on research results,a detailed suggestion was provided to renovate intake construction of cistern for improving the drinking water quality in remote rural areas of Weibei Semi-arid District.
  The present paper discussed the effects of ozonation on the trihalomethane formation potential(THMFP) and trihalomethane species in bromide-containing water
毕福剑,1960年出生于大连。毕福剑作为集制片人、筹划、导演、主持人于一身的大名人,大家都熟悉。可他盛名背后尤其是他的成长经历了怎样的历程?是什么帮助他成功?是什么使他在事业的跑道上一次又一次地超越自我?应该说他的艺术人生背后有一位默默无闻的“总导演”--他的父亲毕作恩。    “淘气小子出好”    毕福剑的父亲毕作恩,是有威望的教育工作者。他对儿子的教育可谓别具一格——  毕福剑小时候很调皮,