Multi-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis of Chinese Brucella strains isolated from 1953 to

来源 :第一届布鲁氏菌病国际学术交流会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ru438185839
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  Background: Brucellosis was a common human and livestock disease caused by Brucella strains,the category B priority pathogens by the US Center for Disease Control(CDC).Identified as a priority disease in human and livestock populations,the increasing incidence in recent years in China needs urgent control measures for this disease but the molecular background important for monitoring the epidemiology of Brucella strains at the national level is still lacking.Methods: A total of 600 Brucella isolates collected during 60 years(from 1953 to 2013)in China were genotyped by multiple locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis(MLVA)and the variation degree of MLVA11 loci was calculated by the Hunter Gaston Diversity Index(HGDI)values.The charts and map were processed by Excel 2013,and cluster analysis and epidemiological distribution was performed using BioNumerics(version 5.1).Results: The 600 representative Brucella isolates fell into 104 genotypes with 58 singleton genotypes by the MLVA11 assay,including B.melitensis biovars 2 and 3(five main genotypes),B.abortus biovars 1 and 3(two main genotypes),B.suis biovars 1 and 3(three main genotypes),and B.canis(two main genotypes)respectively.While most B.suis biovar 1 and biovar 3 were respectively found in northern provinces and southern provinces,B.melitensis and B.abortus strains were dominant in China.Canine Brucellosis was only found in animals without any human cases reported.Eight Brucellosis epidemic peaks emerged during the 60 years between 1953 to 2013: 1955–1959,1962–1969,1971–1975,1977–1983,1985–1989,1992–1997,2000–2008 and 2010–2013 in China.Conclusion: Brucellosis has its unique molecular epidemiological patterns with specific spatial and temporal distribution according to MLVA.
目的 气管切开是危重病人抢救和治疗呼吸道梗阻患者的重要手段.气管切开后临床使用无菌开口纱布衬垫与气管切开处皮肤,以保护伤口防止伤口感染.当气管垫被痰液浸湿后,会引起皮肤破溃、湿疹等皮肤损害,为防止气管切开颈部皮肤损害,我科分别采用无菌开口纱布和改良气管垫对气管切开患者伤口换药,并对其效果进行比较研究,为改进临床护理质量提供依据.方法 选取2017 年7 月~2018 年7 月在我科行气管切开术的患
我国是世界上第五十个迈入人口老龄化社会的国家,目前已经有190 个国家同样进入该个阶段,人口老龄化已经成为全球热门话题,借鉴国际上成功经验、探索本土解决方式,是促进我国老龄社会护理服务发展问题的主要途径。本文通过分析澳大利亚、荷兰、英国、日本、德国等国家的老龄社会护理服务业发展,并对我国目前的人口老龄化程度进行分析,探讨适合我国的老龄社会护理服务业发展模式。
目的 以内科视角观察老年股骨颈骨折围手术期患者的护理特点,分析护理特点对临床疗效的影响。方法 选取 2017 年10 月~2018 年 8 月期间在我科就诊的50 例老年股骨颈骨折围手术患者,根据老年股骨颈骨折患者的特点,制定个性化的护理特点,有针对性的预防并发症和康复功能锻炼。结果 50 例患者术后住院5—7 天均痊愈出院,未出现并发症。结论 术前、术后的科学护理特点可明显提高股骨颈骨折患者围手
目的 通过住院制护士的建立实施,培养老年医学科护理复合型人才,使年轻护士得到锻炼 方法介绍住院总制度建立及实施的方法 结果 年轻护士迅速得到提高和锻炼。结论 通过老年医学科住院制的建立及实施,使年轻护士得到很快的提高,值得更多医院实行和推广。
目的 探讨住院老年慢性躯体疾病与神经症共病的特点以及相对应的护理对策.方法 对入选的病例进行回顾性查阅住院病例,并对收集的资料进行分析.结果 入选的老年躯体疾病与神经症共病患者中,患3 种以上躯体疾病的占42 例,高达70%,最常见的神经症为焦虑性神经症(73.3%),最常见的慢性躯体疾病依次是高血压病、脑动脉供血不足、冠心病.结论 多种慢性躯体疾病是诱发神经症的高危因素,在做好老年慢性躯体疾病护
Brucella is one of the most important zoonotic bacterial pathogen for ruminants.VirB12,a gene adjacent to the virB operon,has been shown to encode an antigen that could be used biomarker for serologic
布鲁氏菌是一种兼性胞内寄生菌,能在宿主体内长期生存并引起世界范围内的流行病,严重危害公共卫生安全.有研究表明,与其他分离株相比,布鲁氏菌中国分离株存在一定的特异性.因此,利用比较基因组学分析中国分离株全基因组水平的变异性对菌株溯源、诊断和防控等方面具有重要的意义.本研究分析147 株完整基因组序列,并与中国分离株比较,利用比较基因组学和生物信息学分析筛选中国分离株特异性SNPs 位点.全基因组SN