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[期刊论文] 作者:By Jim Davies, 来源:英语学习 年份:2017
You don’t have to look very hard to see that our culture has some pretty powerful associations between colors and feelings. As an example, the Pixar film Inside Out has characters representing emotion...
[期刊论文] 作者:Patrick Davies, 来源:英语学习 年份:2016
史上最荒诞的十个科学谎言  太空中没有重力?高空坠下的硬币能砸死人?北极星是最亮的星星?生物为适应环境总是从低级向高级进化?这些都是大多数人熟知并且不曾怀疑的“科学知识”,殊不知这些妇孺皆知的结论竟然是错误的伪科学!请看下文为我们破解史上最荒诞的十个科......
[期刊论文] 作者:Martyn Davies,, 来源:China & Africa 年份:2013
What South Africa hosting the BRICS Summit means for the region SOUTH Africa will host the annual BRICS summit at the end of March in the coastal city of Durban...
[期刊论文] 作者:DAVIES H A,, 来源:Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Edition) 年份:1992
Studies were made of the effect of mechanical pulverization on relaxation,crystallizationand brittle-ductile transition of the anneal-embrittled Fe_(75)Si_(10)...
[学位论文] 作者:Henry Davies,, 来源:浙江大学 年份:2004
[会议论文] 作者:Hugh Davies, 来源:麋鹿与生物多样性保护国际研讨会 年份:2015
I feel that I am an intruder into this distinguished assembly as, unlike so many of you gathered here today, I am not a zoologist.I am not an expert in biodiver...
[会议论文] 作者:Julian Davies, 来源:15th International Symposiium on the Biology of Actinomycete 年份:2009
[期刊论文] 作者:by martyn Davies, 来源:CHINAFRICA 年份:2014
after the onset of the (Western) financial crisis of 2008, there has been a deep questioning of the free market ideology encapsulated by the phrase “Washington Consensus.” At least this is the case in...
[期刊论文] 作者:By Martyn Davies, 来源:CHINAFRICA 年份:2014
The “golden decade” of growth in Africa has passed  The Africa Rising narrative was underpinned not by sweeping and proactive economic reforms by Sub-Saharan African(SSA) states, but rather high commo...
[期刊论文] 作者:By Martyn Davies, 来源:ChinAfrica 年份:2013
South africa will host the annual BRICS summit at the end of March in the coastal city of Durban. It has been two years since the country became a member of the new emerging economic power group known...
[期刊论文] 作者:By Martyn Davies, 来源:ChinAfrica 年份:2013
AlThough China’s commercial interests in Africa have been dominated by state-owned enterprises, state funds flowing to the continent are set to become less significant as market-driven outbound invest...
[期刊论文] 作者:by Dave Davies, 来源:疯狂英语·中学版 年份:2013
每当我们谈及电影制作时,视觉特效部门总是处在从属的地位,特效演员总是有点低人一等的感觉。但在21世纪初,有一个演员凭着一套电影巨作中的一个非人角色打响了名头,将原本不受重视的电脑特效技术一步步推向幕前——  Actor Andy Serkis has appeared in more tha......
[期刊论文] 作者:Sam Davies, 来源:汉语世界(The World of Chinese) 年份:2021
Class Struggles ......
[期刊论文] 作者:By Martyn Davies, 来源:ChinAfrica 年份:2013
January 1, 2013 will mark the 15th anniversary of the establishment of formal diplomatic relations between South Africa and China. Over this period, all of China’s top leadership has visited South Afr...
[期刊论文] 作者:Sam Davies, 来源:汉语世界(The World of Chinese) 年份:2021
As violent juvenile crime rocks the headlines, China debates: How young is too young to lock up?  青少年犯罪案件頻发,入刑年龄该不该降至12岁?  On the evening of October 29, 2020, after dinner and alcohol at a restaurant......
[期刊论文] 作者:Sam Davies, 来源:汉语世界(The World of Chinese) 年份:2021
The pain and glory of China’s drive to reform football  中國职业足球俱乐部:光辉梦想与艰难处境  After a four-hour train journey, three buses, and a five-kilometer ride on a rented bicycle, Hu Guofeng (pseudonym) had fin......
[期刊论文] 作者:Sam Davies, 来源:汉语世界(The World of Chinese) 年份:2020
The life cycle of bicycles from the reform period to the “share economy”.  自行車上的40年:从“飞鸽”到共享单车.  AFlying Pigeon in every household!” Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping declared in the early 1990s, referring......
[期刊论文] 作者:Sam Davies, 来源:汉语世界(The World of Chinese) 年份:2020
Xiaolu Guo explores belonging and authenticity through the language of lovers.  在一對恋人的日常对话里,作家郭小橹寻找着自己的身心归处.  “My body is here, but I don’t feel I am here, right now,” the nameless narrator in Xiaolu......
[期刊论文] 作者:Sam Davies, 来源:汉语世界(The World of Chinese) 年份:2021
Yan Ge’s zoological thriller blurs the boundary between savagery and civilization  《異兽志》:一个人兽共存的世界里,幻化与现实、兽性与人性的界线早已模糊不清  In Yong’an city, beasts and humans coexist, but tension keeps a distance betwe......
[期刊论文] 作者:SAM DAVIES, 来源:汉语世界(The World of Chinese) 年份:2020
China’s truckers try to make a living in a dangerous and increasingly competitive industry  長途卡车司机每次出车都像是一场未知的冒险  At 5 a.m. on a gray morning, at a nondescript service station off the highway in Anhui......