Clinical significance of mesenteric panniculitis-like abnormalities on abdominal computerized tomogr

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:planktonli
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AIM To clarify the association of malignancy with mesenteric panniculitis-like changes on computed tomography(CT).METHODS All abdominal CT scans performed at North Shore University HealthS ystem showing mesenteric panniculitis from January 2005 to August 2010 were identified in the Radnet(Rad Net Corporation, Los Angeles, CA) database. Patients with a new or known diagnosis of a malignancy were included for this analysis. Longitudinal clinical histories were obtained from electronic medical records.RESULTS In total, 147794 abdominal CT scans were performed during the study period. Three hundred and fiftynine patients had mesenteric panniculitis(MP)-like abnormalities on their abdominal CT. Of these patients, 81 patients(22.6%) had a known history of cancer at the time of their CT scan. Nineteen(5.3%) had a new diagnosis of cancer in concurrence with their CT, but the majority of these(14/19, 74%) were undergoing CT as part of a malignancy evaluation. Lymphomas were the most common cancers associated with MPlike findings on CT(36 cases, 36%), with follicular lymphoma being the most frequent subtype(17/36). A variety of solid tumors, most commonly prostate(7) and renal cell cancers(6) also were seen. CT follow up was obtained in 56 patients. Findings in the mesentery were unchanged in 45(80%), worsened in 6(11%), and improved in 5 patients(9%). Positron emission tomography(PET) scans performed in 44 patients only showed a positive uptake in the mesenteric mass in 2 patients(5%). CONCLUSION A new diagnosis of cancer is uncommon in patients with CT findings suggestive of MP. MP-like mesenteric abnormalities on CT generally remain stable in patients with associated malignancies. PET scanning is not recommended in the evaluation of patients with mesenteric panniculitis-like findings on CT.
风驱雨(Wind-Driven Rain,简称WDR)是雨滴在垂直坠落的过程受风力驱动获得水平速度分量从而出现斜向飘落的现象。WDR是建筑外立面最主要的水分来源,直接影响建筑外墙材料耐久
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