The normal directions and shape of the magnetopause

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:safemon
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The minimum variance and tangential discontinuity analyses are used to find the normal directions of the magnetopause using 550 crossings from ISEE 1 and 2, AMPTE/IRM, and IMP 8 satellites. Then, the average shape of the magnetopause is studied by using two|region fit procedure. These studies show: (i) most of the crossings are reasonably characterized as tangential discontinuity; (ii) there does appear to be east|west and north|south asymmetry in the shape of the magnetopause; (iii) the magnetopause in the equatorial region is swept back from the vacuum location for both northward and southward IMF, which means that the simple single conic section used in previous fits may not be appropriate to the entire shape of the magnetopause, especially at the nightside. The minimum variance and tangential discontinuity analyzes are used to find the normal directions of the magnetopause using 550 crossings from ISEE 1 and 2, AMPTE / IRM, and IMP 8 satellites. Then, the average shape of the magnetopause is studied by using two | region fit procedure. These studies show: (i) most of the crossings are reasonably characterized as tangential discontinuity; (ii) there does appear to be east | west and north | south asymmetry in the shape of the magnetopause; (iii) the magnetopause in the equatorial region is swept back from the vacuum location for both northward and southward IMF, which means that the simple single conic section used in previous fits may not be appropriate to the entire shape of the magnetopause, especially at the nightside
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呱呱坠地的一瞬间,孩子经历了第一次痛苦的分离,而这样的蜕变只是一个开始,从此,断奶、自理、入园、分室而卧等等分离将接踵而至。审视孩子的成长过程我们不难发现,一次次的分离让孩子渐渐长大,作为孩子的陪伴者,我们在孩子与自己的分离过程中,最应该注意的正是循序渐进。  0~12个月  第1次分离:剪脐带  顺产,母亲给孩子最为珍贵的“见面礼”  我国是“剖宫产大国”,历经这么多年,人们越来越意识到剖宫产的