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目的研究辅食添加干预对城市农民工婴幼儿子女的影响,探讨一种针对城市农民工婴幼儿持续可行的辅食添加干预模式。方法 2007年10月至2008年1月在自愿加入前提下抽取柳州市各城区出生的城市农民工婴幼儿200名,按初诊时家长掷硬币的方法,随机分为干预组和对照组,各100名。对干预组进行科学喂养讲座、发放健康教育资料、现场制作示范、家庭访视、电话随访等干预措施;对照组给予传统方法喂养,不施加干预。结果干预组婴幼儿生长发育指标、家长对婴幼儿辅食添加知识知晓正确率等明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);干预组佝偻病患病情况、贫血患病率、呼吸道疾病患病率、消化道疾病患病率低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论城市农民工婴幼儿子女辅食添加干预切实可行。干预后城市农民工婴幼儿子女添加辅食合理,改善了生长发育和营养状况。 Objective To study the influence of complementary food supplement intervention on infants and young children of migrant workers in urban areas and to explore a continuous supplement mode of supplementary food for infants and young children in city migrant workers. Methods From October 2007 to January 2008, 200 infants from urban migrant workers born in urban areas of Liuzhou city were randomly selected to collect 200 infants and young children. According to the method of throwing the coin at the first visit, the parents were randomly divided into intervention group and control group with 100 name. The intervention group conducted scientific feeding lectures, distributed health education materials, field production and demonstration, family visits, telephone follow-up and other interventions; the control group were given traditional methods of feeding without intervention. Results The intervention group infants growth and development indicators, parents of infant food supplement knowledge to know the correct rate of awareness was significantly better than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.01); intervention group rickets disease prevalence, anemia prevalence, respiratory tract Prevalence of diseases, prevalence of gastrointestinal diseases lower than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.01). Conclusion Supplementary feeding of infant food for urban migrant workers is feasible. After the intervention, infants and young children from urban migrant workers added reasonable food supplement to improve the growth and development and nutritional status.
自从河北省 2 0 0 0年中考实行政治、历史综合考试以来 ,随着政史两科结合的紧密性不断加强 ,日益把政治和历史两门学科真正放在“一条船上” ,两门学科的结合 ,也把政治、历
英语中有些句子 ,虽然形式上是肯定的 ,却含有否定的意义。有的与汉语思维习惯迥然不同 ,常常使我们感到茫然。可一旦掌握了它们的规律 ,我们不仅可以正确理解其句意 ,而且可