
来源 :中国果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crosswind123
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2010年9—11月,山西水果现代产业技术体系科技人员针对山西省苹果树腐烂病进行了专题调研,其中在苹果主产区运城市4个县(区)随机抽取了11个乡(镇)的21个苹果园,对苹果树腐烂病的发生及防控现状进行了实地调查。结果显示,苹果树腐烂病发生逐年加重,其原因主要是栽培管理措施跟不上以及重治疗轻预防,导致病情逐年加重。针对存在的问题,提出了以苹果园生态系统为有机整体,综合运用土肥水管理措施,采用现代栽培技术,注重良好树势和健康树体的培育;采取简便、有效的措施降低树体带菌量和保护伤口,减少发病率;掌握关键时期喷药,选择合适的药剂进行有效治疗的综合治理对策和相应的技术措施。 From September to November 2010, Shanxi science and technology professionals of modern industrial technology conducted a special survey on apple tree rot disease in Shanxi Province, in which 11 townships (towns) were randomly selected from 4 counties (districts) Of the 21 apple orchards, the occurrence of apple tree rot and prevention and control of the status quo conducted a field survey. The results showed that apple tree rot disease increased year by year, mainly due to cultivation and management practices can not keep up and re-treatment of light prevention, resulting in increased year by year. In view of the existing problems, this paper put forward that taking the apple orchard ecosystem as an organic whole, integrated application of fertilizers and water management measures, adopting modern cultivation techniques, paying attention to the cultivation of good tree vigor and healthy trees; taking simple and effective measures to reduce the amount of tree-carrying bacteria And to protect the wounds and reduce the incidence; to master the key period of spraying, choose the appropriate agent for effective treatment of comprehensive management strategies and the corresponding technical measures.
电动车五大要素对消费者和使用者而言,电动车要关注五个方面,亦即五大要素:1.续驶里程希望电动车充一次电能行驶较长的里程,如果要使电动车和燃油车一样,行驶600~700k m,是不
To investigate the influence of the activated carbon pore structure on the adsorption of volatile organic compounds(VOCs),three commercial activated carbon samp