文洁 教授

来源 :重庆工学院学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:furong99bb
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文洁,女,生于1 966年1 2月,教授,硕士生导师。1 988年大学本科毕业于吉林工业大学金属材料及热处理专业,2001年在四川大学在职攻读并获得工程硕士学位。自1 988年7月大学毕业后,曾先后在国营嘉陵机器制造厂、国营东北机器制造总厂担任工程技术人员;1 996年1月调入重庆工学院,现 Wen Jie, female, born in January 1966, professor, master tutor. He graduated from Jilin University of Technology with a background in metal materials and heat treatment in 1988. He worked for Sichuan University in 2001 and obtained a master’s degree in engineering. Since graduating from university in July 1988, he successively served as engineer and technician in State-owned Jialing Machinery Factory and State-owned Dongbei Machinery Manufacturing Plant. In January 1996, he was transferred to Chongqing Institute of Technology
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A novel complex [Ce(NO3)5(H2O)2]2(Hphen)(H2O) (phen =1,10-phenanthro-line) with formula C24H24CeN9O18 and Mr = 866.64 has been synthesized and structurally char
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Aryl selenoamides react smoothly with a-haloacetic acid in various alcohol to give corresponding bis(carboxyalkylmethyl) diselenides in good yields. Aryl selen
患者,男,66岁。因右侧鼻塞5年、双侧鼻塞3年,于1991年8月12日入院。体检:一般情况好。右侧鼻腔后段见有灰白色不规则肿物,与鼻腔外侧壁粘连。鼻咽镜检:见后鼻孔有约 2cm×2.
Two-dimensional 4,4-bipyridyllead halides, PbI_2(4,4′-bpy)(1) and PbBr_2(4,4′-bpy)(2), were synthesized. The structures were determined by means of X-ray sing
自1958年Arruga 用Supramid 线做环扎术治疗预后不良的视网膜脱离以来,由于检查技术的进步,环扎带材料逐渐改进,手术治愈率大大提高。然而,对于环扎术引起的严重并发症一眼