Androgen receptor isoforms in human and rat prostate

来源 :Asian Journal of Andrology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanggexian
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Aim: To investigate the androgen receptor (AR) isoforms and its variability of expression in human and rat prostatictissues. Methods: Human benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatic cancer tissues were obtained from pa-tients undergoing prostatectomy, and rat ventral prostate was incised 3 days after castration. Forty-one AR-positive BPHspecimens, 3 prostatic cancer specimens, and 6 rat prostates were used. After processing at 4℃, the tissues were ex-amined by means of high resolution isoelectric focusing (IEF) technique to determine their AR isoforms. Results:From the prostatic specimens, 3 types of AR isoforms were detected with pI values at 6.5, 6.0, and 5.3. In humanBPH tissues, 15/41 (36.6%) specimens showed all the three types of isoforms, while 19/41 (46.3%) showed 2 iso-fora at various combinations and 7/41 (17.1%), 1 isoform. For the 3 prostatic cancer specimens, one showed 3 iso-forms, one, 2 isoforms, and the other failed to show any isoform. All rat prostatic tissues showed 2 isoform Aim: To investigate the androgen receptor (AR) isoforms and its variability of expression in human and rat prostatictissues. Methods: Human benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatic cancer tissues were obtained from pa-tients undergoing prostatectomy, and rat ventral prostate was incised 3 days after castration. Forty-one AR-positive BPHspecimens, 3 prostatic cancer specimens, and 6 rat prostates were used. After processing at 4 ° C, the tissues were ex-amined by means of high resolution isoelectric focusing (IEF) technique to determine Their AR isoforms. 3 Results of the specimens collected from the prostatic specimens, 3 types of AR isoforms were detected with pI values ​​at 6.5, 6.0, and 5.3. In humanBPH tissues, 15/41 (36.6%) specimens showed all the three types of isoforms, while For the 3 prostatic cancer specimens, one showed 3 iso-forms, one, 2 isoforms, and the other failed. 19/41 (46.3%) showed 2 iso-fora at various combinations and 7/41 (17.1%), 1 isoform. to show any isoform. All rat prostatic tissu es showed 2 isoform
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时下,许多校长面临的一个现实问题是:经费不很充裕,却要抓好学校管理。这种情况使校长们不得不思索:抓好学校管理,究竟从哪里着手呢? 嘉鱼一中校长张海河也在思考这个问题。
1 病历报告患者 ,男 ,4 5岁。主因突发神志不清 6h入院。患者于入院前情绪激动急性起病 ,突然出现失语、大汗 ,神志不清。病前未诉明显头痛 ,发病时不伴恶心、呕吐 ,无抽搐
Aim: To pursue whether cytogenetic aberrations correlate with specific spermatological or hormonal abnormalities.Methods: 305 infertile couples were investigat
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