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每当火车在铁轨上从镇江站擦过,我总向市西北郊的金山慈寿塔投去眷恋的一瞥。时间过去大半个世纪,我这次又踏上童年成长的土地。少小的天真,青春的风华,壮岁的豪情,中年的哀乐,都被如霜的鬓发紧紧裹藏在记忆的闪光中。如同一个日暮倦游归来的旅人,拖曳蹒跚的步履,寻觅他破碎了的梦痕。往梦象一片枯叶,叶腋还巴在若即若离的茎枝上,可是它早失去了明媚的叶绿素。往梦象没有生命的蝉蜕,躯壳依然攀附在老干上,而那催人长夏午睡的蝉鸣,永远散落在大气中了,永远的……永远的无可追寻。现在,我从瓜洲古渡涉江南行。冬日的阳光,无力地洒落在浑浊的扬子江面上。摆渡靠岸了,舟子告诉我,金 Whenever the train was eaten from Zhenjiang Railway Station on the railroad tracks, I always cast a glimpse of nostalgia on the Jinshan Ci Shou Pagoda in the northwest suburbs of the city. For most of the past half century, I set foot on the land for childhood growth again. Small innocent, youthful elegance, strong pride of the prime of life, middle-aged sorrow, have been curly hair curls tightly wrapped in the flash of memory. Like a traveler who is tired of daydreaming, dragging his hobbling footsteps and looking for his broken dream mark. To the dream of a dead leaf, leaf axils also Pakistani swagger in the branches, but it lost long ago bright chlorophyll. To the dream lifeless cicada slough, the body is still clinging to Lao Gan, and that urged the long summer nap of cicadas, always scattered in the atmosphere, forever ... ... no trace of eternal. Now, I’m from Guazhou ancient ferry involved in the southbound. Winter sunshine, weakly spilled in the turbid Yangtze River surface. Ferry docked, the boat told me, gold
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访太白故里故居访谪仙,堂屋仰先贤。名显扬天下,诗篇万古传。游子云亭西蜀子云亭,杨雄史有名。赋章饬吏治,今古得几人。访梓潼大庙一代英雄汉,举旗米脂城。 Interview with
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炮弹卷地毯般一波波滚来,矮壮的马尾松成片被炸飞。钟延祥抱着背篓费力地爬向红豆杉根底,就在被炸弹掀翻的瞬刻,一束血雨激喷脸庞,炸飞的小腿“噗”地跌落背篓,鲜血霎时把背篓藤条染得赤红。  这是1941年11月28日黄昏,苏南溧阳马塘山。新四军十六旅卫生科军医钟延祥带卫生员上山采药,归途中与偷袭十六旅旅部机关的日军不期而遇。三人中只有钟延祥佩带着短枪,情势危急,他让卫生员从后山赶回驻地报信,自己则居高临
数学问题中的条件是分析题意、解决问题的依据.解题时,要善于挖掘题中的隐含条件,防止解题时出现错误,并简化解题过程.一、利用隐含的相等关系解题 The conditions in the m