Outcomes of tenodesis of the long head of the biceps tendon more than three months after rupture

来源 :World Journal of Orthopedics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:njbbbb
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AIM: To demonstrate that long head of the biceps tendon(LHBT) tenodesis is possible more than 3 mo after rupture. METHODS: From September 2009 to January 2012 we performed tenodesis of the LHBT in 11 individuals(average age 56.9 years, range 42 to 73) more than 3 mo after rupture. All patients were evaluated by Disabilites of the Arm Shoulder and Hand(DASH) and Mayo outcome scores at an average follow-up of 19.1 mo. We similarly evaluated 5 patients(average age 58.2 years, range 45 to 64) over the same time treated within 3 mo of rupture with an average follow-up of 22.5 mo.RESULTS: Tenodesis with an interference screw was possible in all patients more than 3 mo after rupture and 90% had good to excellent outcomes but two had recurrent rupture. All of those who had tenodesis less than 3 mo after rupture had good to excellent outcomes and none had recurrent rupture. No statistical difference was found for DASH and Mayo outcome scores between the two groups(P <0.05). CONCLUSION: Tenodesis of LHBT more than 3 mo following rupture had outcomes similar to tenodesis done within 3 mo of rupture but recurrent rupture occurred in 20%. METHODS: From September 2009 to January 2012 we performed tenodesis of the LHBT in 11 individuals (average age 56.9 years, range 42 to 73) more than 3 mo after rupture. All patients were evaluated by Disabilites of the Arm Shoulder and Hand (DASH) and Mayo outcome scores at an average follow-up of 19.1 months. We were evaluated 5 patients (average age 58.2 years, range 45 to 64) over the same time treated within 3 mo of rupture with an average follow-up of 22.5 mo.RESULTS: Tenodesis with an interference screw was possible in all patients more than 3 mo after rupture and 90% had good to excellent outcomes both of those who had tenodesis less than 3 mo after rupture had good to excellent outcomes and none had recurrent rupture. No statistical difference was found for DASH and Mayo outcome scores between the two groups (P <0.05). CONCLUSION: Tenodesi s of LHBT more than 3 mo following rupture had outcomes similar to tenodesis done within 3 mo of rupture but recurrent rupture occurred in 20%.
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