
来源 :男生女生(银版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangpei999
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宇宙无敌呆萌属性破坏王叶蓁蓁同学在扑倒男神历朗川的路上障碍重重,更令人抓狂的是,竟然半路杀出个何斯幽!叶蓁蓁心中警铃大作,这个女人是敌是友?朗川哥哥又到底把自己摆在什么位置呢?小伙伴们纷纷投来续写作品,解决何斯幽的定位问题。非常有意思的情况出现了,随着4期银版上《猎川》的第二章续写,这一期第三章的投稿,大家清晰地站成了两队,一队人认为何斯幽是天赐给叶蓁蓁的强力队友,将会成为她追男神的强大助力;而另一队人则坚定地认为这个女人不简单,前女友旧情未了,叶蓁蓁必定还有一场大战要打。于是我们从这截然不同的两条路线中,各选了两篇第三章续写作品,闺蜜队的两篇续写是4期银版中【第二章01号】作品,情敌队的两篇,则一篇续写的是4期银版中【第二章03号】作品,一篇续写的是【第二章04号】作品。 The universe invincible destructive property destruction Wang Ye 蓁 蓁 classmates in the fall of the male god Lu Longchuan obstacles, even more crazy is that even half-way out of a whistle!! Ye 蓁 蓁 mind alarm masterpiece, this Woman is the enemy or friend? Longchuan brother in the end put himself in what position? Small buddies have voted to write the work, to solve the problem of positioning quiet secluded. Very interesting situation has emerged, with four silver version of “hunting” the second chapter continued writing, the third chapter of this issue, we clearly stood two teams, a team that what secluded Is a godsend for the strong leaves of Ye teammate, will be her powerful man to help recover; and the other team is firmly believe that this woman is not simple, ex-girlfriend old love, and Ye must have a war to be hit. So we from this completely different two routes, each selected two of the third chapter continued writing works, two copies of the girlfriends team is four silver version [Chapter 01] works, the two rivals An article is continued to write four silver version of [Chapter 03] works, one continued to write [Chapter 04] works.
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对于体育中考来讲,备考很重要,且可以依托课堂教学实现。对此,笔者针对考前课堂的有效管理提出下述建议:一、层次化管理在备考期间,由于不同的学生运动水平 For the physica
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