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近期,被列入《浙江省省级“十三五”规划编制体系目录》的省级专项规划——《浙江省档案事业发展“十三五”规划》(以下简称《规划》),由浙江省发展和改革委员会与浙江省档案局联合发布。《规划》回顾“十二五”全省档案事业发展概况,分析“十三五”面临的新形势,提出了“十三五”发展的指导思想、主要目标、主要任务、重点项目和保障措施,绘就了全省“十三五”档案事业发展的新蓝图。《规划》贯穿了全省档案部门认真贯彻党的十八大、十八届三中、四中、五中全会和省委十三届历次全会精神以及《浙江省国民经济和社会发展“十三五”规划纲要》《全国档案事业发展“十三五”规划纲要》的核心要旨,是全面推进“十三五”时期全省档案事业科学发展、加快建设档案工作强省,继续走在前列,发挥先行和示范作用的重要纲领性文件。 Recently, it was included in the provincial-level special plan of “Zhejiang provincial-level” “Thirteen Five” planning system catalog “-” Zhejiang archives career development “” 13th Five-Year Plan “(hereinafter referred to as” Planning “ ), Jointly issued by Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission and Zhejiang Provincial Archives. The Plan reviews the profile of the development of archives in the whole province in the 12th Five-Year Plan and analyzes the new situation facing the 13th Five-Year Plan and proposes the guiding ideology, main objectives and major tasks of the 13th Five-Year Plan , Key projects and safeguards, and painted a new blueprint for the development of archives in the province and the ”13th Five-Year Plan“. ”Planning“ throughout the province’s archives department conscientiously implement the party’s 18th, the third, fourth, fifth plenary session of the 18th provincial Party Committee and the previous plenum of the 13th session of the ”Zhejiang Provincial Economic and Social Development “ ten The central thrust of the 35th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Archives in the Country and the Outline of the 13th Five-Year Plan is to comprehensively promote the scientific development of archives in the entire province in the ”13th Five-Year Plan" and speed up the building of a strong province in archives work , Continue to be at the forefront, and play an important and demonstrative role in the important program documents.
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