
来源 :中国证券监督管理委员会公告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dragon_3628
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4月30日,中国证监会党委、中国证监会机关、团委和工会邀请证券监管系统分别荣获全部“五一劳动奖章”、“全国金融青年五四奖章”和“全国金融系统青年岗位能手”称号的同志,与证监会各部门负责人和代表进行座谈。中国证监会党委号召证券监管系统广大干部职工以他们为榜样,努力提高政治思想和业务素质,脚踏实地,开拓创新,无私奉献,为培育和发展证券市场,促进国民经济稳定健康发展作出新的贡献。座谈会上,三位同志先后介绍了自己的成长历程和先进事迹。全总“五一劳动奖章”获得者、上海证券交易所电脑技术部副总监田逸耕同志,为开发适应我国证券市场发展需要的电脑交易系统,锐意进取,无私奉献,与同伴们一起攻克了一个又一个技术 On April 30, China Securities Regulatory Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission organs, the Communist Youth League and trade unions invited the Securities Regulatory System to be awarded the “May 1 Labor Medal”, the “National Financial Youth 5 4 Medal” and the “National Financial System Youth League experts ”title of comrades, and the Commission heads of various departments and representatives to conduct a forum. The CPC Committee of China Securities Regulatory Commission called on cadres and workers in the securities regulatory system to take their example and work hard to improve their political thinking and professional quality. They are down-to-earth, pioneering and innovative, and giving their own contributions to cultivating and developing the securities market and promoting the stable and healthy development of the national economy. During the forum, the three comrades introduced their own growth course and advanced deeds successively. Comrade Tian Yigeng, winner of “May 1 Labor Medal” and deputy director of Computer Technology Department of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, has worked hard with all his colleagues to develop a computer trading system that meets the needs of the development of the securities market in our country. One after another technology
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第一 ,把好用人关。一方面 ,选配一支思想政治素质高、业务技能精、善于管理、精明能干、坚持原则的会计队伍 ;另一方面 ,聘用 (选配 )熟悉掌握金融政策、敢于创新、坚持原则