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改革的浪潮给我国图书馆事业注入了活力,带来了生机。随着改革的纵深发展,文献情报工作也在不断地开拓前进。回顾过去,我馆在改革、开放、搞活精神的鼓舞下,在改革管理制度,加强基础工作、改善阅览环境、拓宽服务领域,发挥情报职能等方面都迈出了可喜的步伐。为了总结成绩、找出差距,进一步推动图书馆事业的发展,现总结如下: The wave of reform has injected vitality into the cause of our country’s libraries and brought vitality. With the deepening of the reform, the work of documentary information is constantly being advanced. Recalling the past, inspired by the spirit of reform, opening up and invigoration, the museum has made remarkable strides in reforming the management system, strengthening basic work, improving the reading environment, widening the service areas and providing intelligence functions. In order to summarize the achievements, identify the gaps and further promote the development of the library industry, we have summarized the following:
B 型超声检查是影象诊断方法之一。对病人无损伤、无痛苦,方法简便,可立即得到图象,且能反复检查,是患者乐于接受的一种较先进的诊断方法。近年来,通过临床广泛应用,对中医
1991年在莫斯科举办的国际图联第57届大会上正式决定,1996年的第62届国际图联大会将在中国北京召开。 The 57th Congress of the International AFDL held in Moscow in 19
Living in the earthquake belt of Wenchuan,Li,Mao and Beichuan counties,the Qiang people have long mixed with Han and Tibetan peoples of this mountainous area.Th
患者,24岁,以“停经9个月,头痛眼花伴全身浮肿10余天”入院。既往无肾炎、高血压及腹部手术史。入院检查:BP 21.3/14.7kPa(160/110mmHg),P80,浮肿+++,心肺(-),尿常规:蛋白++
患者女,46岁,自觉下腹皮肤变硬、麻木1年余,因不能排尿,腹胀、腹痛3天,于1979年5月28 Female, 46 years old, Conscious lower abdominal skin hardened, numb for more th