
来源 :吉林大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dian
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在批林批孔运动的高潮中,化学系高分子专业二年级工农兵学员与任课教师批判了林彪、孔老二的“上智下愚”等唯心论的先验论及唯心史观,击退修正主义回潮的干扰,坚决走毛主席指引的与工农相结合的道路,下厂进行开门办学,到吉林某厂,结合聚氯乙烯品种进行高分子化学课程的教学。在一个半月的时间里,他们在车间党支部与工人师付的直接领导与帮助下,根据辩证唯物论的认识论的原则,通过跟班劳动,自学有关材料,专题调查,写出了十五个专题报告,对聚氯乙烯生产的各个环节进行了较全面的剖析,提出了一些有意义的建议,并由此从个别到一般,对高分子化学中的加聚反应规律得到了较深入的认识和理解。工农兵学员欢迎这种学习,认为这样学习,学得深、学得活,用得上,要求今后多下厂,下厂时间更长一些。教师们对这种方法比较满意,认为这样既体现了理论与实践相结合的原则,又充分发挥了学员在学习上的主动性,使这次学习达到了这门课程的前所未有的深度。师生共同体会到理论来自实践,生产实践是最好的课堂,工人师付是最好的老师,理科学生在工厂大有学头。这次学习之所以取得一些成绩,是认真学习毛主席哲学著作和有关教育革命的指示,执行毛主席无产阶级教育革命路线的结果。 由于时间短促,条件所限,调查研究的结果还没有经过? In the climax of the proletarian and bachelor Kong movement, the sophomore workers, peasant and soldiers trainees and teachers in chemistry department criticized the a priori and idealist views of history of idealism such as Lin Biao and Kong Laoshi’s “wisdom and wisdom”, repulsed revisionism Resurgence of the interference, and firmly follow the guidance of Chairman Mao and the combination of workers and peasants road, the next factory to open school, to a factory in Jilin, with varieties of polyvinyl chloride polymer chemistry courses teaching. Within a month and a half, they wrote fifteen special topics on the basis of the epistemological principles of dialectical materialism and through follow-up labor, self-study materials and special investigations under the direct leadership and assistance of party branches and workers in the workshop. Report, a comprehensive analysis of the various aspects of the production of polyvinyl chloride, put forward some meaningful suggestions, and thus from individual to general, polymer chemistry in polyaddition law has been more in-depth understanding and understanding. The workers, peasants and soldiers welcome this kind of study, thinking that learning in this way, learning deeply, learning to live with, and demanding more plants in the future will lead to longer plant times. Teachers are more satisfied with this method, think it not only embodies the principle of combining theory and practice, but also give full play to the initiative of students in learning, so that this learning has reached an unprecedented depth of the course. Community teachers and students come to theory from practice, production practice is the best classroom, teachers and teachers to pay is the best teacher, science students have a great learning in the factory. The reason why this study has made some achievements is the earnest study of Chairman Mao’s philosophical works and instructions on the educational revolution and the implementation of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line of proletarian education. Due to the short time, the conditions are limited, the results of the investigation and study have not yet passed?
目的 :观察并分析踝肱指数对糖尿病下肢动脉病变的临床诊断意义。方法 :选取本院2016年7月至2017年7月收治的84例糖尿病下肢动脉病变患者作为研究对象,收集并整理所有患者一
(1)用0.04M的马尿酸-丁醇溶液作萃取剂萃取希土,在pH?6时,钇位于轻镧元素部分的钕与钐之间,其萃取率低于其他钇族希土元素.可借此性质自钇族希土中分离钇. (2)经过三级萃取,