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如今旅游已成为时尚,尤其是对老年人更具吸引力。年轻力壮时,或是忙于工作、家务,脱不开身,或是经济拮据,没有余钱支付,或是因为观念所囿,没能认识到旅游休闲的意义,或是没有旅游社团组织,出行多有困难等原因,所以没能到祖国或世界各地走走看看。在退休之后,正赶上旅游兴盛发达的时期,过去在主观或客观上的一些问题也都得到了解决,特别是时间和财力更有了保证,如果身体健康,到各地观光旅游,也不失为一种开阔眼界、愉悦精神、积极休闲的好方式。正因如此,银发族成为了旅游社团的新客人。 然而,鉴于银发族的年龄、体质特征,在决定旅游出行时一定要慎重,不可盲目参团出行,应注意与自身有关的一些问题。 其一,要参加专门为银发族组织的旅游团。目前参团旅游的主体基本上是以青壮年为主,这些人年轻力壮,行动敏捷,在集体行动中往往与动作缓慢的银发族不合节拍。迁就银发族,年轻人有牢骚;如银发族不甘落后,自己的体力又不争气。这种旅游玩得不愉快,达不到休闲的目的。 其二,要选择最佳旅游时间。对银发族来说,整年都是长假的“黄金周”,不必跟年轻人凑热闹(但与家人一起自助旅游除外),要避开几个“黄金周”。在国内选择出行的季节最好是每年的五、六月和九、十月,即初夏和初 Nowadays, tourism has become fashionable, especially for older people. When you are young and strong, you are either busy with work, housework, unskilled, or financially constrained, with no money left to pay. Or you are not aware of the significance of tourism or leisure because of your concepts, Travel more difficult reasons, so I did not go to the motherland or around the world to see. After retirement, it is time to catch up with the prosperity of tourism. Some problems in the past, subjectively or objectively, have also been solved. In particular, time and financial resources have been more assured. If we are healthy, traveling to other parts of the country can be regarded as one A great way to broaden your horizons, enjoy your energy, and be active. Because of this, the silver-haired family has become a new tourist community. However, given the age and physical characteristics of the silver-haired ethnic group, we must be cautious when deciding to travel. We should not blindly group the trip. We should pay attention to some problems related to ourselves. First, to participate in specially organized for the silver hair tour groups. At present, the main group tour is mainly based on young and middle-aged people. These young people are young, vigorous and agile. They are often out of tune with the slow-moving elders in collective actions. Indifferent to silver hair, young people have grievances; such as silver hair is not far behind, their physical strength and disappointing. This travel is not good to play, not up to the purpose of leisure. Second, to choose the best travel time. For the silver-haired family, the whole year is the “Golden Week” for long holidays. It is not necessary to join in the fun with young people (except for self-help travel with their families) and avoid several “Golden Weeks.” In the country choose the best season for travel is every year in May and June and September and October, early summer and early
1.0.引言 由于复合法(compounding)是英语构词法中构词力最强的方式之一,在复合词中,N+N复合名词又是其中最大的一个分组(subgrouping),所以对N+N复合名问的讨论具有代表意义
以竹子下脚料为原料,按纤维素、氢氧化钠、氯乙酸摩尔比为1∶37∶19投料,以90%乙醇为溶剂,在35℃下碱化60min,在70℃下醚化150min,制得羧甲基纤维素,其粘度>500mPa·s,取代度>0.65,有效成分>85%,水分<10%,氯化物<3%。 Take bamboo
昆明滇池南面不远有个云南第三大湖,名抚仙湖,因离澄江县近,又叫澄江海。抚仙湖的西南面山间有条长一公里多的海门河,隔山与江川县的星云湖相通。 Kunming Dianchi Lake so