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种衣剂3号是由呋喃丹和多菌灵,五氯硝基苯加种肥、激素复配而成的复合型种衣剂。它具有包衣后立即固化成膜为种衣的性能,种衣在土壤中成为防止病虫侵染的保护屏障,且遇水能吸涨,而本身不被溶解,保证种子正常发芽。种子出土后,药剂从地下缓释,彼作物吸收后传导到未施药的部位,继续起防病治虫作用,种肥和激素则起肥效和调节刺激生长作用。棉种使用种衣剂,苗期可有效地防治病虫害,且药效长达50天以 Seed coating No. 3 is carbofuran and carbendazim, pentachloronitrobenzene plus fertilizer, hormones made of compound seed coating. It has a coating film immediately after curing the performance of the seed coat, seed coat in the soil to become a protective barrier against pests and infections, and the water can be sucked up, and itself is not dissolved, to ensure the normal seed germination. After the seed is unearthed, the medicament is slowly released from the ground, and after being absorbed by the crop, it is conducted to the non-applied part and continues to play a role in preventing and controlling insects and diseases. The seed fertilizer and hormone play a role in fertilizer efficiency and regulation of stimulating growth. Cotton seeds using seed coating, seedling can effectively control pests and diseases, and efficacy up to 50 days
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根据《益生菌类保健食品评审规定》(卫法监发〔2 0 0 1〕84号附件 4 ) ,经审查 ,批准罗伊氏乳杆菌 (Lactoba cillusreuteri)为可用于保健食品的益生菌菌种 ,列入卫法监发〔2 0 0 1〕84号附件 5“
1987年,我们在本县活口乡大沙村的二季杂交稻田,使用省植保植检站提供的水稻增产菌,亩用60ml 兑水20~25kg,在移栽前2~4天或移栽后10~25天喷洒植株500余亩次,发现水稻增产菌对防
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