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孔雀家住在乡村,门前是个花园,花园里开满了鲜花:红色的郁金香,粉色的牵牛花,蓝色的马蹄莲,黄色的蒲公英……花园的中央是块青草地,喜欢跳舞的孔雀天天在青草地上跳舞。每次,村里的动物们都来唱歌伴奏,孔雀跳到高潮时,总会把身上的花衣裳展开,像个大花伞,五颜六色,比花儿还漂亮。这天,不知道从哪儿弄到一条绿色的毯子,孔雀把毯子铺在花园里 Peacock live in the country, in front of a garden, the garden is full of flowers: red tulips, pink morning glory, blue calla, yellow dandelion ... ... The garden is central to the grass, like dancing peacocks Dancing on the grass every day. Each time, the animals in the village come to sing and accompany each other. When the peacock jumps to the climax, the flowers and garments on the body begin to unfold like a big umbrella, colorful and beautiful than the flowers. This day, I do not know where to get a green blanket, the peacock spread the blanket in the garden
CoPt nanoparticles were prepared by simultaneous thermally reducing Co(CH3COO)2 and Pt(acac)2 in oleylamine with a small quantity of oleic acid. The composition
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本市不少企业单位紧密结合精神文明和物质文明的建设,结合企业整顿和各项中心任务,有的放矢地进行主人翁思想教育,已取得一定成效,现将他们的一些做法,简单介绍如下: 一、进
A three-layer structure back-propagation network model based on the non-linear relationship between the purity of the perovskite-type SrTiO3 nano-crystal sample