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恩斯特·卡西尔(1874-1945)是一位研究康德的重要学者,他或许是其导师赫尔曼·柯亨开创的导源于马堡的新康德传统中最重要的哲学家。卡西尔还创作了他自己的原创哲学,符号形式的哲学,该哲学远远超越了新康德主义现存的一切版本,也正是这种哲学随后在更广泛的人文科学中产生了最大的影响。尽管如此,在他的职业生涯中,卡西尔对我们理解与数学和物理学有关的精密科学以及那些被我们如今归于人文科学的学科(思想史、艺术史、文化史、宗教研究与哲学本身),都做出了同等重要的贡献。在康德之后,没有其他哲学家能像卡西尔一样如此深刻地置身于精密科学与人文科学之中,并借此取得了一种独一无二的地位来阐明两者之间的关系。卡西尔在其1942年的论著《人文科学的逻辑》中最为明确地论述了这种关系。我将勾勒一条从康德到黑格尔,再到马堡学派与卡西尔的那段哲学史中某些最重要的问题的路径,从而在该语境下理解卡西尔的论述。 Ernst Cassirer (1874-1945), an important scholar of Kant, may be the most important philosopher in Marianne’s neo-Kant tradition founded by Hermann Cohen. Cassirer also created his own original philosophical, symbolic philosophy that far surpassed all existing versions of neo-Kantianism and it was this philosophy that subsequently had the greatest impact in the wider humanities . Nevertheless, during his career, Cassire has been very much in our understanding of precision science related to mathematics and physics as well as those disciplines that we now attribute to the humanities (intellectual history, art history, cultural history, religious studies and philosophy itself ), Have made equally important contributions. After Kant, no other philosopher, like Cassirer, was so deeply involved in the fields of precision science and humanities, and thus acquired a unique position to clarify the relationship between the two. Cassire discusses this relationship most explicitly in his 1942 treatise, The Logic of the Humanities. I will outline the path of some of the most important issues in the philosophical history from Kant to Hegel, to Marburg and Cassire, in order to understand Cassirer’s discourse in that context.
農村糧食統購統銷暫行辦法,已於一九五五年八月五日經國務院全體會議第十七次會議通過,現予發佈,希認真貫徹執行。 The Interim Measures for Grain Purchasing and Market
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