
来源 :China\'s Ethnic Groups | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:inasy
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The ethnic population of the Dong people is about 2.5 million.They live in the border area of Guizhou and Hunan provinces and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in southwestern China and north Hubei Province in central China. Drum towers are found wherever the Dong live.Indeed,the towers are the most distinguishing symbol of their culture, which is why experts have chosen to call the ethnic Dong culture the“drum tower culture.” The ethnic population of the Dong people is about 2.5 million. The live live in the border area of ​​Guizhou and Hunan provinces and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in southwestern China and north Hubei Province in central China. Drum towers are found wherever the Dong live.Indeed, the towers are the most distinguishing symbol of their culture, which is why experts have chosen to call the ethnic Dong culture the “drum tower culture. ”
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调整结构,转变发展方式,石油石化行业别无选择。只有把实现增长的途径建立在提高质量、优化结构、增加效益、降低消耗、保护环境的基础上,才能真正实现可持续发展。 Adjust
材料:粗丝线200厘米,玉环1个。工具:镊子、剪刀、泡沫板、大头针。制作方法:1.将丝线左长右短,按照图片摆成双“U”型,并用大头针固定在泡沫塑料板上。见图1。 Material: 200 cm
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
2001年7月,参加第十二届中国民居学术会议的与会专家云集泰顺,对泰顺古建筑进行为期3天的考察,他们惊喜地发现泰顺 In July 2001, participating experts participating in