
来源 :水利水运科学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cqssq
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一、引言土坝渗流的水力学计算,是以达西定律和裘布依方程为基础的。后者是前者在水平不透水底板上具有自山表面的缓变流情况的应用。所以最基本的上坝渗流水力学计算公式,都是针对不透水地基上的土坝。早期的土坝,更多的是平原或阶地地区就地取土的均质坝,坝与透水地基有相同的透水性,两者之间流线近于平行,故仍可应用裘布依方程。但对于坝基透水性远大于坝体的土坝,其渗流条件不服从裘布依的假定,除很少作者外,都未能越出用裘布依方程求解的轨道,因而计算模式与实际边界条件不符。 I. INTRODUCTION Hydrodynamics of earth dam seepage is based on Darcy’s law and Qiu Bu’s equation. The latter is the former in the level of impervious floor with a self-Hill surface of the slow flow applications. Therefore, the most basic calculation formula for seepage hydraulic flow of upper dam is aimed at earth dam on impervious foundation. In the early earth dams, more homogeneous dams were used to obtain soil in the plain or terraced areas. The dams and permeable foundations had the same water permeability, and the flow lines between the two were close to parallel. Therefore, the Qubu formula can still be applied. However, for seepage conditions of dam foundation whose seepage flow is much larger than that of dam body, the seepage condition does not obey the assumption of Qiu Buyi. With few authors, it can not get out of the track solved by the equation, so the calculation mode does not accord with the actual boundary conditions .
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