Essential Factors and Sustainable Development of Green Agriculture

来源 :Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:m6300
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This paper discussed the definition and essential factors of green agriculture, including green ecological environment, green material energy input, application and the popularization of green agricultural technology, the green behavior of worker, green policy regulations guarantee, fund support, supply and the production of green agriculture products, as well as the concept of green agriculture, structural mechanism and function. And finally existing problems in present green agriculture and five suggestions of green agricultural sustainable development were proposed. This paper discussed the definition and essential factors of green agriculture, including green ecological environment, green material energy input, application and the popularization of green agricultural technology, the green behavior of worker, green policy regulations guarantee, fund support, supply and the production of green agriculture products, as well as the concept of green agriculture, structural mechanism and function. And finally existing problems in present green agriculture and five suggestions of green agricultural sustainable development were proposed.
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一个黄泥圆锥上刻上几个小孔,声音竟如此哀怨,闻声问之,卖埙人会仔细讲解,这就是贾平凹先生《废都》里描述的古老的乐器——埙。      在古城西安南门内东侧,有古韵十足的高大牌楼,牌楼上方是“书院门”三个金灿灿的颜体大字,两旁是“碑林藏国宝,书院育人杰”的醒目对联,牌坊下一条连绵的仿古街,街里店面林立,或文房四宝,或古玩字画、或玉器手工艺,总之琳琅满目,应有尽有。  这条街在西安内城里,紧挨着南门的
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