Selective toxicity of Caspian cobra (Naja oxiana) venom on liver cancer cell mitochondria

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haisen888
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Objective:To explore the cytotoxicity effects of Caspian cobra(Naja oxiana or N.oxiana) venom on hepatocytes and mitochondria obtained from the liver of HCC rats.Methods:In this study,HCC was induced by diethylnitrosamine(DEN),as an initiator,and 2-acetylaminofluorene(2-AAF),as a promoter.Rat liver hepatocytes and mitochondria for evaluation of the selective cytotoxic effect of N.oxiana venom were isolated and mitochondria and cellular parameters related to apoptosis signaling were then determined.Results:Our results showed a raise in mitochondrial reactive oxygen species(ROS)level,swelling in mitochondria,mitochondrial membrane potential(Djm) collapse and release of cytochrome c after exposure of mitochondria only isolated from the HCC group with the crude venom of the N.oxiana(12.5,25,and 50 mg/m L).This crude venom also induced caspase-3 activation(P < 0.001) in the hepatocytes obtained only from the HCC rat liver.Conclusions:Based on the over all results,we suggested that N.oxiana may be considered as a promising complementary therapeutic agent for the treatment of HCC. Objective: To explore the cytotoxicity effects of Caspian cobra (Naja oxiana or N. oxiana) venom on hepatocytes and mitochondria obtained from the liver of HCC rats. Methods: In this study, HCC was induced by diethylnitrosamine (DEN), as an initiator, and 2-acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF), as a promoter. Rat liver hepatocytes and mitochondria for evaluation of the selective cytotoxic effect of N. oxiana venom were isolated and mitochondria and cellular parameters related to apoptosis signaling were determined. Results: Our results showed a raise in mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) level, swelling in mitochondria, mitochondrial membrane potential (Djm) collapse and release of cytochrome c after exposure of mitochondria only isolated from the HCC group with the crude venom of the N. oxiana (12.5 , 25, and 50 mg / m L). This crude venom also induced caspase-3 activation (P <0.001) in the hepatocytes obtained only from the HCC rat liver. oxiana may be considered as a promising complementary therapeutic agent for the treatment of HCC.
同伴互改指的是在写作的过程中,由学生代替教师在修改中的角色, 从书面和口头两种形式对同学的作文进行修改 (魏巍,2008). 自从广东高考采取全国卷后, 短文改错成为写作中的
北山乡位于广东省香山县南端,与澳门隔海相望,是个风景秀丽的地方。 1896年11月6日,杨匏安在这里降生了。他的父亲去世得早,一家人都靠母亲操持维持生活。杨匏安从小就崇敬
中图分类号:F275.3  摘要:如何加强成本管理以及成本管理的好坏直接关系到企业经济效益,甚至关系到企业的生存、发展。  关键词:施工企业工程项目 成本管理经济效益  工程项目是施工企业的成本核心,也是企业利润的主要来源。随着行业竞争日趋激烈,获利空间越来越小,如何加强成本管理以及成本管理的好坏直接关系到企业经济效益,甚至关系到企业的生存、发展。施工企业要提高市场竞争力最终要在项目施工中以尽量少
摘要:近几年来我国有大量的混凝土桥梁存在各种质量问题,造成使用寿命远远低于其设计寿命,过早的出现结构强度不足,梁体裂缝,铺装层松散脱落等混凝土耐久性破坏问题。在这样的情况下,桥梁的使用寿命不仅被大大缩短,运营效率大大降低,造成了巨大的资源浪费和经济损失;而且还会严重威胁车辆和人员在行车工程中的舒适性和安全性。下面将对桥梁质量问题的几个方面进行分析总结,并提出简单的相应解决方案。  关键词:公路桥梁
1996年10月19日。 江苏省常州市中级人民法院法庭。 曾令常州全市人民震惊的常州高新技术产业开发区管委会主任、工委书记许和平特大贪污受贿案,经过法庭整整三天的调查和最
有关倍的知识的教学内容, 旧教材分别安排在二年级上册和二年级下册,而修订后的教材集中在三年级上册中编排, 好处有三: 一是由于倍的知识后移, 使得学生学习的难度降低; 二