Influence of Heat Treatment Temperature on Microstructure and Bonding of TiO_2 Film Coated on Diamon

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuilinxi
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TiO_2 films were coated on the surface of diamond particles using a sol-gel method. The effects of heat treatment temperature on the morphology, phase composition and chemical bond of diamond particles coated with TiO_2 films were investigated through SEM, TEM, X-ray diffraction analysis, Raman spectroscopy, FTIR, and XPS. The results showed that when being heat-treated at 600 ℃, the amorphous TiO_2 film transfered to the anatase film which bonded well with diamond substrate. Meanwhile, the Ti-O-C bond formed between TiO_2 film and diamond substrate. When being heat-treated at 800 ℃, TiO_2 film was still anatase, and partial diamond began to graphitize. The graphitizated carbon could also form the Ti-O-C bond with TiO_2 film, although TiO_2 film would tend to crack in this case. TiO 2 films were coated on the surface of diamond particles using a sol-gel method. The effects of heat treatment temperature on the morphology, phase composition and chemical bond of diamond particles coated with TiO_2 films were investigated through SEM, TEM, X-ray diffraction analysis, Raman spectroscopy, FTIR, and XPS. The results showed that when being heat-treated at 600 ° C, the amorphous TiO_2 film transfered to the anatase film which bonded well with a diamond substrate. Meanwhile, the Ti-OC bond formed between TiO 2 film The graphitizated carbon could also form the Ti-OC bond with TiO_2 film, although TiO_2 film would tend to crack in this case.
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