歡呼伊拉克人民的偉大勝利 反对美英帝国主義侵略中東

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伊拉充人民的偉大胜利伊拉克人民的革命胜利,是目前世界上最重大的事件。对于無視民族的觉醒,而总是高估自己及其奴僕的力量的帝国主义者来說,伊拉克革命有如晴天霹靂,有如火山的突然爆發。伊拉克反动王朝近四十年來一直是帝国主义的馴顺工具。近年来,它在美英帝国主义准备战爭、侵略中东和分裂阿拉伯各国人民的团結的陰謀活动中,起着特別重要的作用。1955年,它倡議建立了巴格达条約,成为这个条約的唯一阿拉伯成員国。今年2月,它又与約旦結成了敌对阿拉伯联合共和国的“阿拉伯联邦”。在埃及事件和叙利亚事件中,在美国顛复約旦民族主义政权事件中,伊拉克都充当美英帝国主义侵略者的帮凶。同时在对內方面,費薩尔王朝以出卖丰富的石油資源所得的殘羹剩飯,來 Iraq’s victory for the victory of the people The revolutionary victory of the Iraqi people is by far the most significant event in the world. For the imperialists, who ignore the awakening of the nation and always overestimate the power of themselves and their servants, the Iraqi revolution is a bolt-on from the sudden volcano. The Iraqi reactionary dynasty has been a taming tool for imperialism for nearly four decades. In recent years it has played a particularly important role in the plot of the United States and Britain in their preparations for the war of imperialism, the invasion of the Middle East and the unity of the Arab peoples. In 1955, it proposed the establishment of the Baghdad Treaty and became the only Arab member state of this treaty. In February of this year, it formed again with Jordan its “Arab Federation,” which is hostile to the United Arab Republic. In the events of Egypt and Syria, as the United States reversed the Jordanian nationalist regime, Iraq acted as the accomplice of the U.S.-British imperialist aggressors. At the same time, internally, the Faisal dynasties leftovers from the sale of rich oil resources
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