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在雨量稀少的干旱地区,灌溉对农业生产要起着决定性的作用。中国西北干旱地区对水极为宝贵,但灌溉渠道多是经过长距离的戈壁沙漠,渗漏严重,同时地势较陡,故在解决防渗问题的同时,也必须解决防冲刷问题,又以交通运输不便,必须考虑建筑材料问题。为了合乎保证最大灌溉水的利用和费省效宏的原则,甘肃省本着就地取材的精神,总结和提高群众悠久的经验,推广卵石衬砌渠道,解决了渗漏冲刷问题,降低了原有数以倍计的水量损失,并在不同的用料尺寸通过2.0~6.0秒米的流速仍可保证渠道的安全。但工程效率的高低与工程质量有极大的关系,故将群众在选料、施工和程序各方面的多年经验提供参考,俾能达到优良质量的要求。本措施的一切测验资料是很粗简的,在科学论证方面尚嫌欠详,有待进一步的测验分析和研究。 In arid areas where rainfall is scarce, irrigation plays a decisive role in agricultural production. The arid regions of northwestern China are extremely valuable to the water. However, the irrigation channels mostly go through long-distance Gobi Desert with serious leakage and steep terrain. Therefore, while solving the anti-seepage problem, it is also necessary to solve the problem of anti-scouring and take the transportation Inconvenience, we must consider the building materials. In line with the principle of guaranteeing the utilization of the maximum irrigation water and saving the cost, Gansu Province, based on the principle of using local materials, sums up and enhances the long experience of the masses, promotes the pebble lining channel, solves the leakage erosion problem and reduces the original number To multiply the amount of water loss, and in different material sizes through 2.0 to 6.0 seconds of the flow rate can still guarantee the safety of the channel. However, the level of project efficiency and project quality have a great relationship, so the masses in the choice of materials, construction and procedures for many years of experience to provide reference to achieve good quality requirements. All the test data of this measure is very crude and it is still not enough to be scientifically substantiated for further test analysis and research.
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