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今年年初在广州召开的全国汽车订货会上,机械部领导曾作出了“今明两年是我国汽车生产和汽车市场巩固发展的时期”的预测。1~7月的实际情况,证明了这个预测基本正确。 据国家统计局的数据,今年1~7月累计产量已达89.39万辆,以机械部的统计口径计算,则为84.90万辆。如按照1~7月的平均值计算今年的汽车产量,则今年的汽车 Earlier this year held in Guangzhou, China Auto Ordering Conference, the Ministry of Machinery leaders have made the “next two years is China’s automobile production and the consolidation of the automotive market development,” the forecast. The actual situation from January to July proved that this prediction is basically correct. According to the data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the cumulative production from January to July this year reached 839,300, taking the statistics of the Ministry of Machinery as 849,000. Such as in accordance with the average of January to July this year’s car production, then this year’s car
据中汽总公司总经理蔡诗晴预测,大约到2005年左右,相当部分中国家庭将拥有自己的轿车。我国有12亿人口,2.7亿个家庭,一年有1%的家庭买轿车,就将消费200多万辆。 1994年,光是
近年来,我国进口了大量的新型丰田皇冠牌JZS133系列轿车。这里介绍一下该车2JZ-GE型发动机(3升)气门间隙,点火正时的检查与调整,供使用与维修人员参考。 1.气门间隙的检查与
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前言简支式U 形薄壳渡槽在我国农田水利渠系配套工程中应用十分广泛,但对其断面造型和增大跨度的可能性缺乏分析研究。断面造型(图1)常采用教科书中的经验数据,确定纵向边梁