Electron dynamics in collisionless magnetic reconnection with a PIC simulation

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:unix55555
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Two-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation is used to investigate electron dynamics in colli- sionless magnetic reconnection, and the proton/electron mass ratio is taken to be mi /me = 256. The results show that the presence of a strong initial guide field will change the direction of the electron flow. The electron density cavities and the parallel electric field can be found in the electron inflow re- gion along the separatrix, and the electron inflow and density cavities only appear in the second and fourth quadrants. What is different from the results with a smaller mass ratio is that new structures appear in the diffusion region near the X line: (1) Narrow regions of density enhancement and density cavities can be found synchronously in this region; and (2) corresponding to the electron density changes near the X line, the strong parallel electric fields are found to occur in the first and third quadrants. These electric fields perhaps play a more important role in acceleration and heating electrons than those fields located in the density cavities. Two-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation is used to investigate electron dynamics in colli- sionless magnetic reconnection, and the proton / electron mass ratio is taken to be mi / me = 256. The results show that the presence of a strong initial guide field will change the direction of the electron flow. The electron density cavities and the parallel electric field can be found in the electron inflow re- gion along the separatrix, and the electron inflow and density cavities only appear in the second and fourth quadrants. What is different from the results with a smaller mass ratio is that new structures appear in the diffusion region near the X line: (1) Narrow regions of density enhancement and density cavities can be found synchronously in this region; and (2) corresponding to the electron density changes near the X line, the strong parallel electric fields are found to occur in the first and third quadrants. These electric fields perhaps play a more important role in accelera tion and heating electrons than those fields located in the density cavities.
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