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在松脂加工工业的初期,松香生产是使用简单的直接火蒸馏法。直到1940年,松脂加工的一般生产一直采用这种方法。但是,现在已完全被“奥鲁斯蒂操作法”所代替。“奥鲁斯蒂操作法”是美国农业部佛罗里达奥鲁斯蒂松香工业所创用的方法,其松脂加工操作过程大致如下:松脂加工的准备暂贮松脂的大槽上口装有横俯。将装满松脂的桶倒立在槽栅上以倾泻松脂,并用蒸汽清洗盛脂桶。大槽通常装有蒸汽夹套,用蒸汽加热松脂,使其保持液态,以便于在大管中输送。在大槽中的松脂,浮 In the early days of the rosin processing industry, rosin production was a simple direct fire distillation method. Until 1940, the general production of rosin processing has been using this method. However, it has now been completely replaced by the Austro-Act. The Orusti Method is the method used by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Orusti Rosin Industries of Florida. The turpentine processing operations are as follows: Turpentine processing Preparation of temporary storage Songhua fat on the mouth of the tank with a transversal. Floss the bucket full of turpentine over the trough to pour the rosin and wash the bowl with steam. Large tank usually equipped with steam jacket, steam heated turpentine, to keep it in liquid state, in order to facilitate delivery in the big pipe. Rosin in large tank, floating
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Small-sized axial fans are used as air coolers for electric equipments.But there is a strong demand for higher power of fans according to the increase of quanti
Quantitative thickness estimation of thin-layer is a great challenge in seismic exploration,especially for thin-layer below tuning thickness.In this article,we