Review of heavy-ion inertial fusion physics

来源 :MatterandRadiationatExtremes | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:s04325102
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In this review paper on heavy ion inertial fusion (HIF), the state-of-the-art scientific results are presented and discussed on the HIF physics, including physics of the heavy ion beam (HIB) transport in a fusion reactor, the HIBs-ion illumination on a direct-drive fuel target, the fuel target physics, the uniformity of the HIF target implosion, the smoothing mechanisms of the target implosion non-uniformity and the robust target implosion. The HIB has remarkable preferable features to release the fusion energy in inertial fusion: in particle accelerators HIBs are generated with a high driver efficiency of ~30%-40%, and the HIB ions deposit their energy inside of materials. Therefore, a requirement for the fusion target energy gain is relatively low, that would be ~50-70 to operate a HIF fusion reactor with the standard energy output of 1 GWof electricity. The HIF reactor operation frequency would be ~10-15 Hz or so. Several-MJ HIBs illuminate a fusion fuel target, and the fuel target is imploded to about a thousand times of the solid density. Then the DT fuel is ignited and burned. The HIB ion deposition range is defined by the HIB ions stopping length, which would be ~1 mm or so depending on the material. Therefore, a relatively large density-scale length appears in the fuel target material. One of the critical issues in inertial fusion would be a spherically uniform target compression, which would be degraded by a non-uniform implosion. The implosion non-uniformity would be introduced by the Rayleigh-Taylor (R-T) instability, and the large densitygradient- scale length helps to reduce the R-T growth rate. On the other hand, the large scale length of the HIB ions stopping range suggests that the temperature at the energy deposition layer in a HIF target does not reach a very-high temperature: normally about 300 eV or so is realized in the energy absorption region, and that a direct-drive target would be appropriate in HIF. In addition, the HIB accelerators are operated repetitively and stably. The precise control of the HIB axis manipulation is also realized in the HIF accelerator, and the HIB wobbling motion may give another tool to smooth the HIB illumination non-uniformity. The key issues in HIF physics are also discussed and presented in the paper.
基于多尺度特征结构堆叠与法布里-珀罗共振原理,设计了一种宽波段高吸收的多层齿轮形超材料吸收器,该吸收器由两层不同尺度的介质-金属堆叠组成。采用时域有限差分方法分析其吸收特性,数值仿真结果表明,该吸收器在300~4000 nm的波长范围内的吸收率均在89%以上,平均吸收率可达94%,呈现一定的偏振不敏感特性,在60°大角度斜入射时,平均吸收率仍能保持93%。通过对谐振波长处的电磁场分布进行分析,可以得出,该吸收器的宽波段高吸收特性主要由法布里-珀罗共振、表面等离子体共振、局域表面等离子体共振以及多种共振相互
压缩态光场是连续变量量子信息科学研究的重要资源。本文提出了一种利用级联的单共振倍频系统提高压缩度的方案,研究表明两次倍频分别产生的二次谐波与四次谐波场为压缩态光场,且四次谐波场的压缩度比二次谐波场提高了大约3 dB。我们还研究了两个谐波场的压缩度随泵浦场衰减率、泵浦功率的变化关系。该系统不仅可以增强压缩态光场的压缩度,而且能将压缩光拓展到更短的波长区域。此外,通过对波长1 014.8 nm的基频光进行四倍频获得与汞原子吸收线波长相对应的压缩光场,对量子存储、光谱测量和光频标具有实用价值。
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报道了在调Q的Nd:YAG激光器泵浦下用Z-扫描技术对具有分子内质子转移(ESIPT)特性的分子2-(2′-羟基苯基)间氮杂氧茚(HBO)的光学非线性的研究。结果表明:对1.06 μm的光,HBO无非线性吸收,其三阶非线性极化率不随入射光强而变;而在0.53 μm的激光作用下,HBO表现出显著的双光子吸收,其双光子吸收系数随泵浦光强增强而减小,而其三阶非线性极化率实部则随泵浦光强的增强而增大。在建立双光子泵浦产生激发态分子内质子转移动态模型的基础上,通过理论计算很好地解释了实验现象。
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