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《月牙儿》是老舍最优秀的短篇小说之一.在内容上,它“没有一句幽默的话”,通过母女两代为生活所迫沦为暗娼的悲惨遭遇,有力地控诉了旧社会的黑暗.在艺术上,它以哀婉的情调,散文诗式的笔法,慢慢地“将美撕碎了给人看”,尤其是塑造了一个贯穿始终、寓意极深的形象——“月牙儿”,这个若隐若现的“月牙儿”,不仅涵盖了小说的全部内容,而且隐喻着人物的悲惨命运,更寄托了作者的思想感情. “Crescent Moon” is one of Laoshe’s best short stories, and in its content, it has “no humorous words” and has effectively accused the darkness of the old society through the tragic deaths of female and female prostitutes who were forced into their lives by their mother and daughter. In terms of art, it slowly “teases the United States to the world,” especially in the form of a poetic style of euphemism and melody, and in particular shapes an image of “Crescent Moon” that runs through it with a profound meaning. This looming “Crescent Moon” not only covers the entire contents of the novel, but also metaphors of the tragic fate of the characters, but also pin the author’s thoughts and feelings.
我国西部地区地下室住宅开发利用的可行性初探刘建荣,马贯中,朱作荣,周铁军(重庆建筑大学)APreliminaryFeasibilityStudyonDevelopmentandUtilizationofBasementDwellinginWestCh... The Feasibility Study on the Development and Utilization of Basement Housing
文章从工程项目施工的事前、事中和事后三个阶段来探讨了如何加强工程项目成本的动态控制。 This article discusses how to strengthen the dynamic control of constructi
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