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一、民俗活动是一种重要的民族文化现象 民俗、或风俗这类语词,从它的历史源泉说,在我国先秦、两汉的古籍中已经出现。直到现在,它还流行于人们的口头或书写的文字上。但是,它的意义并不很确定,因此,在科学著作的使用上,多少有些不方便。所以,我们有给它以比较严密的界定的必要。 民俗、或风俗,如上所说,它是一种旧词。但现在作为科学上使用的术语,却带有译语性质。关心民俗学的同志,大都知道国际上关于这种学问或其研究对象的用词,有英语的Folklore,法语的tradition popuiaite,以及德语的volkskunde等。它们就是我们现在学界所 First, the folklore activity is an important national cultural phenomenon Folklore, or customs, are terms that originated from its historical origins and have appeared in the ancient books of our country’s pre-Qin and Han Dynasties. Until now, it has also become popular in people’s oral or written writing. However, its significance is not well defined, and so, somewhat inconvenient in the use of scientific writings. Therefore, we have to give it a more stringent definition of the necessary. Folklore, or custom, as mentioned above, is an old word. But now used as a scientific terminology, but with the nature of the target language. Most comrades concerned with folklore know most of the international words about this science or its research object, folklore with English, tradition popuiaite in French, and volkskunde in German. They are what we now learn
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<正> 流传海外的东魏武定元年(543年)骆子宽等七十人造释迦像座的左、右、背面,雕刻了十身神王像,每像身侧均有阴刻榜题,明确
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