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2007年10月26日~11月5日,国务院国资委产权局组织部分中央企业、地方国资委和产权交易机构的代表奔赴美国,重点围绕美国资本市场的运营和监管进行了为期21天的考察培训。纽约证券交易所承担了这次培训的主要内容安排,除由交易所高层管理人员进行授课以外,还邀请了花旗环球金融有限公司、德勤公司、黑石集团、JP 摩根、高盛公司、Sullivan&Crom-well 律师事务所、Protiviti 公司等进行授课,内容涉及美国证券交易的法规介绍、资本市场的风险防范、上市公司的质量控制、美国证券交易所的做市商制度、企业并购过程中的相关法律和操作问题等。在培训期间,代表团还与联合国南南合作特设局、美国金融监管组织(Finra)、美国贝尔斯登公司等分别就产权交易市场在南南合作中的作用发挥、美国资本市场的监管以及当前国际上企业并购的发展趋势等进行了交流,实地参观考察了纽约证券交易所、费城证券交易所和贝尔斯登公司股票与债券交易部,了解了这些交易所的运营情况。 From October 26, 2007 to November 5, 2007, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council organized a group of representatives of central enterprises, local SASAC and property rights exchange agencies to go to the United States and conducted a 21-day inspection focusing on the operation and supervision of U.S. capital markets Training. The NYSE took on the key elements of the training, with the addition of senior executives from Citigroup International, Citigroup Global Markets, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Blackstone, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Sullivan & Cromwell Law firms, Protiviti companies, etc., covering the introduction of the regulations on securities transactions in the United States, the risk prevention in capital markets, the quality control of listed companies, the market maker system of the American Stock Exchange, the relevant legal and operational issues in the M & A process Wait. During the training, the delegation also cooperated with the United Nations Special Commission for South-South Cooperation, the United States Financial Supervision Organization (Finra) and the U.S. Bear Stearns Company respectively on the role played by the property rights market in South-South cooperation, the regulation of the U.S. capital market and The current international M & A trends and other exchanges were conducted on-site visits to the New York Stock Exchange, the Philadelphia Stock Exchange and Bear Stearns stock and bond trading department to understand the operation of these exchanges.
辽宁镁矿公司与武钢合作,于1988年完成了新型平炉炉顶砖(ML Ge-85)的试验研究工作。研究工作表明,在方镁石一尖晶石(MgO-MgO·Al_2O_3)系耐火材料中加入适量的Cr_2O_3,可促
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日本日新制钢公司研制成一种循环式冷却装置,已安装在该公司的1~#高炉上。该装置可以避免因高温而导致高炉炉底出现损坏,提高出铁率,同时还能延长高炉的使用寿命。目前高 J
艾丽斯·沃克(Alice Walker,1944—),20世纪70年代以来美国文坛最优秀的黑人女作家之一,同时也是一名著名的社会活动家,对欧美国家第二次妇女解放运动的蓬勃发展起到了极其重
1 应用实例铸铁的熔炼方法有几十种,但高炉和感应炉双联法的能耗之低(34kg标煤/t),仍居各法的首位。目前,国内外对此研究很多,在应用上已取得显著效果。 (1)法国木松桥公司
本文指出,当前我国炼铁工业面临的任务是既要为我国四个现代化建设服好务,又要实现自身的现代化;并从工艺角度论述了炼铁生产现代化的重要标志以及达到预定目标的途径。 Thi