Three-Dimentional Surface Light Irradiance Reconstruction in Bioluminescence Tomography

来源 :Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astron | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfsdasdas
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Reconstruction of 3D surface irradiance distribution using multiple views captured by charged coupled device(CCD)camera is the basis of solving the light source in bioluminescence tomography(BLT).A simple and convenient mapping technique based on the pin-hole imaging model and Lambert′s cosine law was presented to establish the relationship between gray levels and irradiance intensities.Compared with previous integrating sphere camera calibration used in BLT,the proposed method can effectively avoid heavy burden of simulation experiment to obtain the corresponding relationship of gray levels and irradiance intensities.The accuracy and feasibility of the proposed method are validated with no more than 1mm location error by different types of phantom experiments.The mapping approach is also applicable to other noncontact optical imaging system. Reconstruction of 3D surface irradiance distribution using multiple views captured by charged coupled device (CCD) camera is the basis of solving the light source in bioluminescence tomography (BLT). A simple and convenient mapping technique based on the pin-hole imaging model and Lambert ’ s cosine law was presented to establish the relationship between gray levels and irradiance intensities. Compared with previous integrating sphere camera calibration used in BLT, the proposed method can effectively avoid heavy burden of simulation experiment to obtain the corresponding relationship of gray levels and irradiance intensities. The accuracy and feasibility of the proposed method are validated with no more than 1mm location error by different types of phantom experiments. The mapping approach is also applicable to other noncontact optical imaging systems.
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