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目的了解北京市昌平区接触职业病危险因素从业人员的高血压检出情况。方法对昌平区2012年职业病危害(高温、苯系物、锰、汽油、粉尘、铅等)从业人员健康检查资料进行分析。结果该区共检查4 469名从业人员,均未发现疑似职业病患者;其中检查701人有1项或多项的结果异常,异常检出率为15.69%。检出职业禁忌证21人。其中血压异常检出率为30.03%,尿常规异常率为9.67%;铅作业和苯作业工人职业禁忌证检出率分别为2.94%和2.29%。结论该区在所监测的职业禁忌证中,接触铅作业从业人员检出率居首位,其次是接触苯系物从业人员,接触高温、无机粉尘检出率较低。应坚持常规的职业健康检查,掌握劳动者的健康状况,及早发现职业禁忌证对职业病的预防会起到非常重要的作用。 Objective To understand the prevalence of hypertension in workers exposed to occupational disease risk factors in Changping District of Beijing. Methods The health check-ups of occupational hazards (high temperature, benzene series, manganese, gasoline, dust, lead, etc.) in Changping District in 2012 were analyzed. Results A total of 4 469 employees were examined in this area. No suspected occupational disease was found. Of the 701 patients examined, one or more abnormal results were detected and the rate of anomaly detection was 15.69%. 21 contraindications were detected. Among them, the detection rate of abnormal blood pressure was 30.03% and the abnormal urine rate was 9.67%. The occupational contraindications of lead and benzene were 2.94% and 2.29% respectively. Conclusion In the occupational contraindications monitored in this area, the lead exposure workers rank the first place, followed by the workers exposed to benzene series. The contact temperature is high, and the detection rate of inorganic dust is low. Should adhere to routine occupational health checks to master the health status of workers, and early detection of occupational diseases prevention contraindications will play a very important role.
房性早搏在心电图上表现为提前出现与窦性P 波形态不同的异位P′波,其P′—R 间期≥0.12秒,QRS 波群形态多正常;其后代偿间期多不完全,诊断容易。但有时临床遇到提前出现的
例1 女性,28岁,住院号163537。因风湿性心脏病,阵发性房颤于1982年11月20日住院。查体:两肺(-),心界向左下扩大,心率115次/分,心律绝对不齐,第一心音增强,心尖区闻及Ⅱ级收
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安优1668是上饶市农业科学研究所利用安丰A与恢复系R668配组育成的籼型三系杂交晚稻新组合,2017年2月通过江西省农作物品种审定委员会审定(赣审稻20170023)。 An You 1668 i