Preparation of Ligand Free Au NPs/PPV Composites with High Stability and Photo-electric Response

来源 :Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arski
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A novel kind of ligand free aurum nanoparticles(Au NPs)/poly(p-phenylene-vinylene)(PPV) composites was prepared via a simple approach. Although there were no ligands coating on the surface of the Au NPs, the Au NPs/PPV precursor composite exhibited excellent stability that no obvious variance was found as long as 6 months at ~4 ℃ in aqueous and alcohol mixed solutions. This was attributed to the strong interaction between Au NPs and PPV precursor, which was further strengthened after heat transformation. Fourier transform infrared(FTIR) and Raman spectra showed the interaction between benzene ring in PPV and Au NPs led to the part transformation of the sp2 hybrid orbital into the sp3 one during the composite formation. As a result, the photoluminescence(PL) life time of PPV in the composite was longer than that of pure PPV. The Au NPs/PPV composite exhibited good photo-electric response, indicating their potential application in the area of the photoelectric conversion devices. A novel kind of ligand free aurum nanoparticles (Au NPs) / poly (p-phenylene-vinylene) (PPV) composites was prepared via a simple approach. Although there are no ligands coating on the surface of the Au NPs, the Au NPs / PPV precursor composite exhibited excellent stability that no obvious variance was found as long as 6 months at ~ 4 ° C in aqueous and alcohol mixed solutions. This was attributed to the strong interaction between Au NPs and PPV precursor, which was further strengthened after heat transformation. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectra showed the interaction between benzene ring in PPV and Au NPs led to the part transformation of the sp2 hybrid orbital into the sp3 one during the composite formation. As a result, the photoluminescence (PL) life time of PPV in the composite was longer than that of pure PPV. The Au NPs / PPV composite exhibiting good photo-electric response, indicating their potential application in the area of ​​the photoelectric conversion devices.
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