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赣东北信江畔有一座苍翠的小山,山上有一座粉红柱檐、绿堂灰瓦的石亭,坐北朝南耸立着,亭中石碑凿刻着:“黄道烈士墓”五个大字,在苍松翠柏浓荫的掩映下,显得庄严肃穆。黄道,1900年出生于江西横峰一个农民家中,是独生子。1923年,黄道考进北 There is a green hillside in the northeast bank of the river in the northeast of Jiangxi Province. There is a pink column eaves in the mountain and a stone pavilion with green tiles and gray tiles. Standing north facing the south, the stone carvings in the pavilions are carved: “Five mausoleums of the martyrs” Under the shade of the pines and cypresses set off, it appears solemn. Ecliptic, born in 1900 at a peasant family in Hengfeng, Jiangxi, is the only child. In 1923, zodiac test into the north
如今城里孩子们玩的风筝、陀螺什么的,都是买的,想玩时,花几块钱买一个;不玩了,丢掉了事,一点也不心疼。而我们小时候就没有这么幸运 Nowadays children in the city who pl
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Mum,I want to say that sometimes it isreally tiring to be a good daughter of yours.Misunderstanding often exists between youand me. Mum,I want to say that some
杂文是文艺性论文。它首先具有战斗性,具有极强的现实针对性。鲁迅先生说它是“生存的小品文,必须是匕首,是投枪,能和读者一同杀出一 Essays are literary essays. It is fi
下列关于商周农业发展的叙述不正确的是( ) A.种植粮食作物“五谷”B.奴隶和庶民集体耕作C.人们已懂得使用粪肥、草木灰和绿肥D.主要劳动工具为青铜器根据课本,当时使用的农
The disadvantages of automobile-oriented urban transportation continue to appear in today’s world and the concept of humanizing urban transportation is getting
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近日,俄罗斯宣布新一代“幽灵列车”(即“巴尔古津”铁路机动式洲际导弹系统)研制工作进展顺利,测试工作已顺利完成。俄罗斯战略火箭兵司令谢尔盖·卡拉卡耶夫称,导弹列车有望在2020年部署到俄战略导弹部队,参加战斗值勤。消息传出,世界哗然。众所周知,俄罗斯的导弹列车已退役10年,为什么要重新研制令世界恐怖的“核弹幽灵”?俄罗斯的战略考量是什么?  亡而未消的“手术刀”  20世纪60年代,鉴于当时美国的