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为了进一步推动安徽铸造业的发展,为全省铸造工作者以及有关人员提供一个结识新朋友、聚会老朋友、沟通行业信息、切磋铸造技术、介绍生产管理经验、了解国内外铸造技术发展的交流平台,安徽省铸造学会定于2007年9月在安徽芜湖市召开第二届安徽省铸造技术大会暨铸造设备、仪器、原辅材料推介展示会。现就第二届安徽省铸造技术大会的有关事宜通知如下: In order to further promote the development of foundry industry in Anhui, for the province foundry workers and staff to provide a meet new friends, gathering friends, industry information, learn casting technology, production management experience introduced to understand the development of casting technology at home and abroad exchange platform , Foundry Society of Anhui Province is scheduled to be held in September 2007 in Wuhu City, Anhui Province, the Second Anhui Province Foundry Technology Conference casting equipment, instruments, raw and auxiliary materials promotion exhibition. Now on the second session of Anhui Province Casting Technology Conference notice as follows:
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