以科学理论武装人 以高尚精神塑造人

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以科学的理论武装人。我们处在一个继往开来的关键时期,在前进中面临许多复杂的新矛盾、新问题,需要正确处理。只有具备较高的马克思主义理论水平,才能够驾驭全局,掌握改革和建设的主动权,抓住机遇发展自己;才能够在变幻的国际形势中保持清醒的头脑,在任何风浪中站稳脚跟。全党同志首先是各级领导干部,必须坚持不懈地学习马列主义、毛泽东思想,特别是邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论。要通过学习,努力掌握解放思想、实事求是这个精髓,提高运用马克思主义基本原理解决改革开放和现代化建设中各种实际问题的能力。学习理论,一要挤时间,二要钻进去。中央最近强调的一个重要精神,就是领导干部一定要讲政治。为什么这样讲?就是为了使全党同志更好地全面贯彻执行党的“一个中心,两个基本点”的基本路线。经济是基础,我们坚持以经济建设为中心,这是绝对不能动摇的。以经济建设为中心,并不是说其他工作不重要了,也不是说经济搞上去了,其他事业就会自然而然地上去。 Arming people with scientific theories. We are at a crucial period from the past to the present and face many complicated new contradictions and new problems in our progress. We need to correctly handle this issue. Only by having a high theoretical level of Marxism can we master the overall situation and grasp the initiative of reform and construction so as to seize the opportunity to develop ourselves. Only by so doing can we remain sober-minded in a changing international situation and gain a firm foothold in any storms. Comrades of the entire Party, first and foremost, are leading cadres at all levels. We must unswervingly study Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, and especially Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Through study, we should strive to grasp the essence of emancipating our minds and seeking truth from facts and enhance the ability to use the basic Marxist principles to solve various practical problems in reform, opening up and the modernization drive. Learning theory, one to squeeze time, the second to get into it. An important spirit recently stressed by the Central Government is that leading cadres must talk about politics. Why do we say this? It is to enable the comrades in the party to better implement the basic line of “one center, two basic points” of the party. Economy is the foundation. We must absolutely take the economic construction as the center. This is absolutely unshakable. Taking economic construction as the center does not mean that other tasks are not important, nor does it mean that if the economy goes up, other undertakings will naturally emerge.