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本文介绍了柴油机配气机构间隙的动态测量技术的开发和应用,准确测定并分析了240/275型柴油机进、排气门工作间隙变化规律,及其存在显著差异的机理。文中阐明了常用的气门间隙经验设计方法的不足,以及实测校验和优化的重要性。柴油机台架试验证明:通过优化进气门间隙,把气门开启与落座的实际定时控制在设计规定的范围内,改善了配气机构的动力性能,从而有效地降低了进气门磨损下陷量。建议进一步在线路中推广和验证。 This paper introduces the development and application of the dynamic measurement technology of the clearance of the diesel engine’s gas distribution mechanism and accurately determines and analyzes the variation law of the working clearance of the inlet and outlet valves of the 240/275 diesel engine and the significant difference mechanism. This paper illustrates the shortcomings of the commonly used design method of valve clearance experience, as well as the importance of the actual calibration and optimization. The diesel engine bench test proves that by optimizing the intake valve clearance, the actual timing of valve opening and seating is controlled within the designed range, which improves the dynamic performance of the valve train and effectively reduces the intake valve wear. Proposal to further promote and verify in the line.
目的:探寻大孔树脂分离精制复方三子咳喘胶囊浸膏的最佳工艺条件。方法:通过对3种不同类型的大孔吸附树脂吸附洗脱特性参数比上柱量(Saturation ratio)、比吸附量(Absorbtion
花剌参(Stichopus Variegatus Semper)、糙参(Holoturia Scabra Jaeger)和玉足参(Holothuria Vagaburda Selenkd)是我区沿海具有重要经济价值的三种海参。尤其是花剌参更是
鱼种的放养密度主要由三个因素决定,即要求达到的鱼产量、鱼种的成活率、成鱼的最终长成规格。其计算方法是: The stocking density of fish species is mainly determined