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山西省教委委托山西省高校图书情报工作委员会下(简称“图工委”)对全省普通高校图书馆进行评估,这是加强领导和改善办馆条件的得力措施。我省专科院校图书馆根据省图工委的布署,正在认真学习有关评估的文件,积极作好各馆的自评工作。我们认为图工委所制定的《山西省高校图书馆评估方案》及其评估指标体系是比较科学合理的,是可行的。为了顺利地、全面地贯彻执行《评估方案》,我们还认为在实际评估某一个馆时,应遵守以下几项原则。 Shanxi Provincial Commission of Education commissioned by the Shanxi Provincial Library and Information Work Committee (hereinafter referred to as “Work Committee”) to assess the province’s general university library, which is to strengthen leadership and improve the conditions for office availability of effective measures. According to the deployment of provincial plans and work committees, the libraries of colleges and universities in our province are earnestly studying the relevant documents for assessment and actively making self-evaluation work in each museum. We think it is feasible and scientifically reasonable for the “Shanxi University Library Evaluation Scheme” and its evaluation index system formulated by the TPCC. In order to carry out the Assessment Scheme smoothly and comprehensively, we also consider that the following principles should be observed when actually evaluating a museum.
本文对英属哥伦比亚自1952年至1984年间连续出生的1213913活婴中发生上肢缺陷的患者通过健康监督登记处进行了普查。发现659例有上肢缺陷,发生率为5.67/10 000。其中8例患者
Two Birds两只鸟Teacher:Here are two birds,one is a swallow,the other is a sparrow.Now who can tell us which is which?Student:I cannot point out but I know the a
肾小管性酸中毒是由各种原因所致的尿酸化障碍,临床表现为慢性酸中毒及电解质紊乱症候群。本病较少见,我院于1978年收治2例,疗效尚好,现报告如下: Renal tubular acidosis
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When I was six years old,I was very lovely,I had short hair,big eyes,small ears and a big mouth.One day,I was at my grandparents’house,there was a pool near th