Relationship between Framingham risk score and subclinical atherosclerosis in carotid plaques:an in

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The assessment and management of early-stage atherosclerosis are important for the prevention of cardiovascular disease(CVD).In this study,we used multi-contrast magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) to investigate the carotid plaque feature in asymptomatic,at-risk subjects;we also evaluated the correlation between MRI findings and Framingham risk score(FRS).One hundred sixty-six asymptomatic individuals with risk factors for CVD underwent multi-contrast MRI.After the arterial morphology and plaque components were outlined,the differences in carotid plaque burden among the various risk categories were analyzed.The FRS analysis showed that high-risk individuals had thicker vessel wall and higher plaque lipid content than did low risk participants.A substantial proportion of advanced carotid plaques occurred in low and intermediate-risk groups.Multi-contrast MRI may provide incremental value to the FRS in managing asymptomatic at-risk population. The assessment and management of early-stage atherosclerosis are important for the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). In this study, we used multi-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to investigate the carotid plaque feature in asymptomatic, at-risk subjects; we also evaluated the correlation between MRI findings and Framingham risk score (FRS). One hundred sixty-six asymptomatic individuals with risk factors for CVD underwent multi-contrast MRI. After the arterial morphology and plaque components were outlined, the differences in carotid plaque burden among the various risk categories were analyzed. The FRS analysis showed that high-risk individuals had thicker vessel wall and higher plaque lipid content than did low risk participants. A substantial proportion of advanced carotid plaques occurred in low and intermediate-risk groups. Multi- contrast MRI may provide incremental value to the FRS in managing asymptomatic at-risk population.
目的 观察防老化血液分离胶粘度、 密度、 溶血率性能的稳定性,及其制备成采血管后在临床检验中应用的可行性.方法 第一组取防老化血液分离胶40克,取20克使用粘度计检测粘度(
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