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  Author John Green wants to make clear that the film adaptation[改编] of his novel Paper Towns is different from the 2014 adaptation of his The Fault in Our Stars.
  Fault made millions cry last June with its portrayal[描述] of cancer-stricken[患病的] young lovers, played by Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort. It became an instant[立即的] classic while earning more than $300 million worldwide.
  “Paper Towns is very different from The Fault in Our Stars, in every possible way,” says Green. “Hollywood is so used to franchises[(电影)系列]. But this is not a series[系列]. It’s an unrelated story that’s beautiful and funny, and has a big heart.”
  There are connections, including the groups of Green followers who can’t wait for another coming-ofage[成长(过程)] tale. Paper Towns also stars Nat Wolff, who stole Fault scenes as the blind cancer patient Isaac.

  In Paper Towns, Wolff is the quiet, slightly dorky[笨拙的] Quentin, or “Q,” whose childhood changes when dream girl Margo (Cara Delevingne) moves next door. When they get to high school, the beautiful Margo exists on a different social level.
  But she appears at Q’s window for a night of adventure and revenge[报仇] against the school’s popular crowd, including spray[喷雾]-painting their doors and plastic-wrapping[用塑料膜包起] a car shut. The next morning Margo disappears, leading Q to ask his friends to hit the road to find her.
  “She leaves Q clues[线索]. He thinks if he follows, he’ll reconnect with the girl of his dreams,” says director Jake Schreier.
  Green admits that he was hesitant[犹豫的] about casting[选角色] the 22-year-old British supermodel.
  “When I heard (Delevingne) was auditioning[试镜], it was like, ‘No.’ Of course I thought that was crazy,” says Green.“But then I saw the audition. She understood Margo in ways that no one I have ever met understands Margo.”
  New Yorker Wolff, 20, says stepping into the leading man role for the road-trip adventure required some big changes, such as getting his driver’s license[驾驶执照]. “I quickly took, like, two lessons and by some miracle passed the test.”
  He describes hanging on the set with Green. At night, Wolff would spend late hours with his onscreen buddies Austin Abrams (Ben) and Justice Smith (Radar) at their apartment complex[公寓大楼].
  “We called each other by (our) characters’ names. We hung out constantly[经常地]. We thought about the movie all the time,” Wolff says. “This world became kind of real.   “And then it’s over. Sometimes it’s easier to shake a character. But I almost wanted Paper Towns to be my life.”

  Atchoum is a one-year-old Persian[波斯的] kitty from Quebec, Canada. His extreme furriness[似毛皮] is the result of a rare hormonal[荷尔蒙的] condition[身体状况;疾病] neverbefore seen in cats called hypertrichosis[多毛症], also known as “werewolf[狼人] syndrome[综合征].” Hypertrichosis causes fast and continual[连续的] hair growth and thickening of the claws, but that’s not stopping Atchoum from world domination[统治]. The cat (he speaks both French and English in addition to purrs[咕噜声]) took time out from his busy schedule[时间表] of grooming[刷毛], modeling, and more grooming to talk to Cosmopolitan. com about what it’s like to be a world-famous kitty.
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