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诚信与礼让,是中华民族精神中既重要而又广为人知的道德规范,在个人修身成人和人与人的交往中,这种传统道德有其重要意义。所谓中华民族是一个礼义诚信之邦和文明古国,就包含这些基本的道德规范在内。诚信,就是诚实而有信用,也是忠诚信义的概括。诚信一直被儒家视为“立人之德”、“立政之本”。诚信的道德要求人们诚善于心,诚实于行,言行一致,表里如一。儒家主张诚信与仁义相通,诚在于仁,信近乎义,诚信离开仁义就失去价值。礼让,则是中国传统道德的一个基本要求,要人们在各种不同的人际交往关系中,要有恭敬、热诚、尊重、谦让的精神和行为,以提高个人道德素质,保持人际关系的和谐顺畅。在中国长期的封建社会中,诚信与礼让作为传统道德规范,在不同时期不同程度地受到忠君思想、等级制度和尊卑观念的影响,也存在消极方面,这是需要加以扬弃的。本篇辑录的南北朝时期“高允临危不说假话”和“陆慧晓以礼义待人”两个历史故事,褒扬的就是古人讲诚信重礼让的品德。 Sincerity and comity are moral norms that are both important and widely known in the spirit of the Chinese nation. This traditional morality is of great significance in the interaction between individual self-cultivation adults and people. The so-called Chinese nation is a state of righteousness and integrity and an ancient civilized country, including these basic moral norms. Honesty is honesty and credit, but also a generalization of loyalty and righteousness. Honesty has always been Confucianism as a “moral”, “” the rule of law “. The ethics of honesty demands that people be honest, honest, fair in word and deed. Confucianism advocates that honesty and benevolence are interlinked, honesty lies in benevolence, and faith is almost righteousness. Integrity leaves righteousness to lose value. Politeness is a basic requirement of traditional Chinese morality. People are required to be respectful, enthusiastic, respectful, and modest in various interpersonal relations so as to enhance their moral qualities and maintain a harmonious and smooth interpersonal relationship . In China’s long-term feudal society, honesty and courtesy as traditional moral standards are influenced by the loyalty, hierarchy and the concept of supremacy at different periods to varying degrees, and there are also negative aspects that need to be abandoned. The history of the Northern and Southern Dynasties recorded in this article ”Gao Yunlin ’s words “ and ”Lu Huixiao to treat others with ritual " two historical stories, praised is the ancients honesty and honor to let the moral.
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